In pictures: Monsoon rains arrive in India
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Monsoon rains have arrived in India, providing some relief from scorching summer temperatures.

As usual the south-west monsoon reached the coast of Kerala state first, arriving on its scheduled debut date of 1 June.

Since then, the monsoon has travelled north, soaking cities and farmland with desperately needed rain.

The city of Mumbai welcomed the rain on Sunday, a day ahead of schedule. Here a fish vendor carries his basket covered with plastic on his head.

Monsoon rains, which last from June to September, are crucial for millions of farmers across the country whose crops feed more than a billion people.

Weather officials say in the first week since its arrival this year, the monsoon has recorded higher than average levels of rain.

Other parts of the country - like Calcutta in the east - are still waiting for the clouds to burst. The rain is expected to arrive in the city in a week.

In many parts of India, religious rituals are held to speed up the arrival of the monsoon. In drought-hit Solapur district in western Maharashtra state, Hindu farmers married off two donkeys as they prayed for a good monsoon.