Indian groom gets shot on wedding day and still marries

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A groom sits on a horse cart during a wedding procession in New Delhi on April 21, 2015.Image source, MONEY SHARMA/AFP/Getty
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Indian wedding processions like this one often involve horse-drawn carriages and brass bands

An Indian groom made his vows despite being shot on the way to his wedding in Delhi, police said on Wednesday.

After a few hours of surgery, the 25-year-old returned to his bride-to-be and completed the ceremony with a bullet still lodged in his shoulder.

Police are now looking for two suspects who opened fire on the groom's wedding procession on Monday evening.

This is not the first instance of shots fired at an Indian wedding. Grooms were killed in April this year, and in 2016.

Witnesses say the gunmen in Monday's attack arrived on a motorbike prior to the attack at about 21:00 local time (15:30 GMT) and fled in the ensuing chaos.

Police said the assailants climbed onto the groom's horse-drawn carriage before the attack, which they suspect was not an act of random violence.

The groom, who was being escorted by friends and family dancing to loud music, alleged he was shot "with the intention to kill".

"The injured groom immediately informed his brother who took him to Batra Hospital for treatment," deputy commissioner of police Vijay Kumar told the BBC.

Doctors stemmed the bleeding but could not remove the bullet without major surgery. After the marriage ceremony, the groom returned to hospital.