Turkey referendum: Your comments
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Turkish voters have given strong backing to a package of constitutional changes.
With nearly all votes in the referendum counted, about 58% had voted "Yes" to amending the constitution.
Voters in Turkey have been emailing the BBC with their reaction to the result. Here is a selection of their comments:
Voted in favour
As expected, the vote results came in as a "yes" after all the progress of the Justice and Development Party (AKP). This reveals that Turkish people want to change things in Turkey. The affects of the 1980s coup will be erased in time. Bekir Sait, Istanbul
This election shows the commitment of Turkish people to a more democratic Turkey, and the army has not got the same power as before. Congratulations Turkey. Ahmet, Eskisehir
Despite fear-spreading ultra-secularists and nationalists, the majority of Turkish people voted in favour of the amendments, which brings them to the level of universal values. This "yes" vote is a big step for democracy in Turkey. If there is any danger in Turkey, it is these secularists who consider secularism as a religion. We deserve a better country and with today's referendum people showed their desire for a better life. Mehmet, Ankara
I voted "yes" because these changes will make new opportunities for children, disabled people and women. Suha, Ankara
Turkey is changing for the positive. The referendum has opened the door to an advanced democracy. The next steps will be to have a complete new constitution after the 2011 elections. The political system should be transformed from protecting the state from the people, to serving for the welfare of the people. Ismail Goncuoglu, Istanbul
Voted against or didn't vote
I went to Turkey, just to vote "no". Today Turkish people voted for 16 articles to change. I agree with three but not the rest. To be more democratic, all articles should be asked one by one. I support a fully secular, modern Republic of Turkey, as we promised to our founder Ataturk. Murat Gulkur
To protect the independence of judiciary, I have said ''No". Hazar Tas, Istanbul
I live in Istanbul and I preferred to boycott the referendum. Nowadays in Turkey the media tries to convey that there are only two political camps in Turkey - one of which calls itself secular and the other which calls itself conservative - and this pleases the government. But Turkey could share the same fate with our nearest neighbour, Greece. The Turkish government won't be able to reflect a sense of stability anymore and the country will encounter more severe days. Ilker, Istanbul
It seems to be a tragedy for our nation and most of people don't know what they have voted for. The AKP has prepared the changes by itself alone and did not take other views and suggestions into account. Erdogan has an Islamic background and he desires to achieve his Islamic regime in this country. With these changes, he removed the judiciary's supervision. Ali, Izmir
I am a "no" voter. This referendum was a complete joke. Asking the public to vote for 26 constitutional changes where the majority of the electorate has no clear view on what they were voting for is extremely worrying. It makes no sense to have a referendum on so many changes at the same time. With this constitution, the judiciary is going under the politicians' control. After the referendum, Turkey will be polarised and the tension will increase between two camps. Alper, Istanbul