'Most wanted' Nazi war crimes suspects

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The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which investigates Nazi war criminals, has published its latest list of its most wanted surviving suspects.

Those on the list are "wanted" because they have not been punished, even if they have extradition orders against them or have been tried and convicted. In some cases it is unclear whether they are still alive. They remain on the list until it is proven that they are dead.

Milivoj Asner

Resident in Austria. Former Croatian police chief, accused of role in deporting hundreds to their deaths. Extradition to Croatia was requested in 2005 but was refused on medical grounds due to dementia.

Alois Brunner

Resident in Syria - possibly dead. Commander of Paris internment camp, deported thousands to death camps under orders of Adolf Eichmann. Convicted in absentia in France but never punished.

Algimantas Dailide

Resident in Germany. Arrested Jews who were later murdered by Nazi collaborators in Lithuania. Deported from US. Convicted by Lithuania and sentenced to jail - but sentence was not carried out.

Klaas Carel Faber

Resident in Germany. Sentenced to death in the Netherlands for murdering prisoners at Westerbork camp and Groningen prison but sentence commuted to life imprisonment in 1948. Escaped to Germany in 1952. German courts currently considering an arrest warrant issued by Dutch authorities.

Mikhail Gorshkow

Resident in Estonia. Accused of participating in murder of Jews. Stripped of US citizenship and fled to Estonia where he has remained under investigation for several years without charge.

Aribert Heim

Believed dead. Doctor who experimented on prisoners at Mauthausen camp. Reports suggest that he may have died in Cairo in 1992, but his death remains unconfirmed due to a lack of evidence.

Ivan (John) Kalymon

Resident in the US. Accused of participating in the murder and deportation of Jews living in the Lvov Ghetto. Ordered to be deported from the US for concealing his wartime activities. Remains in the US until a country volunteers to admit him.

Soeren Kam

Resident in Germany. Accused of murdering an anti-Nazi newspaper editor. Indicted in Denmark but two extradition requests have now been refused by German authorities.

Sandor Kepiro

Resident in Hungary. Accused of mass murder of civilians at Novi Sad, Serbia. Convicted in Hungary in 1944 but never punished. A new investigation has led to an indictment against him for war crimes and a trial is scheduled to begin in May.

Adam Nagorny

Resident in Germany. Accused of serving as an SS guard at the Treblinka I concentration camp and to have participated in executions. Under official investigation by prosecutors in Germany following the discovery of witness statements about his role at Treblinka.

Gerhard Sommer

Resident in Germany. Accused of participating in the massacre of 560 civilians in the Italian village of Sant' Anna di Stazzema. Convicted in absentia by an Italian military court in 2005. Has been under investigation in Germany for almost a decade but so far without charge.

Charles (Karoly) Zentai

Resident in Australia. Accused of participating in persecution and murder of Jews. Successfully appealed against extradition from Australia to Hungary, but the decision is under review following an appeal by an Australian government minister.

Source: Simon Wiesenthal Center, 2011