Migrant crisis: One day across destination Europe

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The number of migrants entering Europe has reached record levels, with many seeking to travel north through the continent. We take a look at 24 hours across Europe as many more migrants arrive to try to start a new life - all the images below were taken on 1 September.

The Mediterranean

Image source, AP
Image source, AP
Image source, AP

Many were rescued on Tuesday in the Mediterranean - which more than 300,000 migrants have crossed so far this year and where at least 2,600 have died.

The Norwegian ship Siem Pilot saved more than 800 people in Libyan waters, including 11 pregnant women and more than 30 children, according to the United Nations' refugee arm. Four people were found dead.

More than 1,200 migrants were rescued in Greek waters on Tuesday, the most in one day in some time, the country's coastguard said.

Palermo, Italy

Image source, AP

In the Sicilian port city, the bodies were laid to rest of 51 people discovered dead inside the hull of a ship in Libyan waters last week. A suspected trafficker has been arrested.

Piraeus, Greece

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A ship carrying 1,800 migrants arrived into the port city of Piraeus on Tuesday night. Most came from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and had travelled to outlying Greek islands.

Greek authorities said another ship, with close to 2,500 migrants on board, was expected to arrive in Piraeus early on Wednesday.

Greek-Macedonian border

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Close to 1,500 people are waiting to cross Greece's border with Macedonia - their journey will then take them north through Serbia and Hungary.

Authorities in Macedonia are allowing small groups to cross at a time, but scuffles broke out when hundreds rushed the border in near the Greek town of Idomeni on Tuesday.


Image source, Reuters
Image source, AP

In the centre of Belgrade, thousands of people are sleeping in a city-centre park before travelling further north by rail. Officials said close to 10,000 people had travelled on to Hungary in the last week.

"You know, there are a lot of problems in our country Afghanistan," one man in Belgrade, Shewalli, told Reuters news agency. "Two months ago I came, by foot, through mountain and forest and rain, day and night, we walked to reach here."

Budapest, Hungary

Image source, Getty Images
Image source, Getty Images

Hundreds of migrants were left stranded outside a major railway station in the Hungarian capital after police sealed off the terminal to stop them travelling through the EU.

Many chanted "Germany! Germany! We want to leave!" as authorities said only those with valid travel visas would be allowed to travel onward.

As night fell, many hundreds were still outside.

Vienna, Austria

Image source, AP

Those who were able to make the journey from Budapest to Vienna arrived in the Austrian capital throughout the day, and were met by volunteers handing out food and water.

Elsewhere in Austria, police rescued 24 young Afghan migrants discovered in the back of a van officers called "a prison cell on wheels". Most were in their teens.

The bodies of 71 migrants were found in the back of an abandoned truck on an Austrian motorway last week.

Munich, Germany

Image source, AFP/Getty Images
Image source, AP
Image source, EPA

Germany expects to take in 800,000 refugees this year - four times last year's total, and it is the most popular destination to migrants arriving in Europe.

Police in Bavaria said they registered 3,500 migrants in between Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon - the highest number ever registered in the same time period anywhere in Germany.

For many, their journeys will not end here and may continue even further north to Scandinavia.

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