'Some chaos at UK-EU borders even if Brexit deal agreed'

There is now movement in the Brexit talks between the EU and UK but even if a deal is struck there could still be problems on 1 January 2021, Jacob Kirkegaard, a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund has said.

He told BBC World News on Monday the tight timetable would mean the UK and EU might find themselves in a "no deal" situation for a brief period in the new year.

He said it was "good news" the two sides had not walked away at the weekend but he warned: "The reality is that we are now at such a late stage that even if there was a deal, say tomorrow, could it be ratified in time and could it more importantly be actually implemented in a relatively seamless manner by January 1st?

"I think the answer to that question is unambiguously 'no'. There is going to be a degree of chaos at the UK-EU borders come January 1st," he added.

Find out more about the EU-UK post-Brexit trade talks

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