Sarah Groves memorial service held in Guernsey

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Sarah Groves
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Sarah Groves' family invited islanders to the memorial service to celebrate her life

A memorial service has been held in St Peter Port for a Guernsey woman killed in Kashmir in April.

Sarah Groves, 24, was found stabbed to death in a houseboat in Srinagar which she had been living in since February.

Miss Groves' father, Vic, said the service at St James Concert Hall was a chance for islanders to celebrate his daughter's "incredible life".

He said the event was open to the public and guests had been asked to wear bright colours.

Mr Groves said his daughter's life was "filled with generosity, laughter, compassion, adventure and above all love for everyone she ever met".

She went to secondary school at Guernsey's Blanchelande College and worked at the Old Government House Hotel.

Police in Kashmir said Dutch national Richard De Wit, 43, was charged with her murder on Monday.

Mr De Wit was due to appear for the first court hearing on 15 June and was being held in the region's central jail having received treatment in a government-run psychiatric hospital.