£17.5m scheme to create "modern gateway to island"
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The scheme could take up to nine years to complete
The island's director of highways has said that a £17.5m scheme to redevelop Douglas promenade will deliver "a modern gateway to the island".
The multi-million pound scheme would be the first major resurfacing project of the promenade since 1935.
Richard Pearson said: "The feedback I have received is that the area is downtrodden and shabby and people want to see action taken."
It is hoped the work could start in 2013.
A planning application will be submitted by the Department of Infrastructure (DoI) next month.
Mr Pearson continued: "The next stage is to go for a planning application which could take quite a few months.
"If that is successful we will go to Tynwald."
'Speed and disruption'
The scheme, which could take up to nine years to complete, will see the resurfacing of the road as well as the relocation of the horse tram tracks to the seaside of the road.
"We've said nine years which I know sounds ridiculously long. We will try to work to bring that period back and I am hoping to bring it closer to the five or six year mark."
"There is a conflict. If we close the whole thing and throw resources at it we could probably do it quicker but the disruption would be greater and that may be unacceptable to some people.
"It is a balance between speed and disruption."
In 2011, a public consultation received 452 written responses with all but one in favour of the work being undertaken.
Mr Pearson added: "There was almost universal expectance and desire to get this done."