Manx teenage cannabis user spared jail to get help, court rules

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Douglas Courthouse
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The 18-year-old has a rehab placement lined up in the UK

An Isle of Man cannabis user and dealer has been spared prison by a judge so he can attend a rehabilitation programme.

Oshin Kaighan was searched by officers in Ramsey in January and found to have about five grams of the class C drug and more than £1,000 in cash.

Douglas Courthouse heard he admitted to both using and dealing the drug, however his defence said he dealt to fund his own personal use.

Deemster Graeme Cook said: "Clearly this young man needs assistance."

Police also seized a phone, a grinder and two bags of cannabis with a combined street value of about £90.

'Huge strides'

Kaighan, of Albion Terrace in Ramsey, claimed he used cannabis to "self-medicate" for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Since his arrest, Kaighan had been working with the drug and alcohol team as well as the Island's mental health service.

His defence said it was clear that Kaighan had made "huge strides within himself" with an "extensive network of professional help".

The court also heard a placement at a "top" rehab centre was already lined up.

Deemster Cook said: "People want to help you."

He handed him a 12 month sentence suspended for two years with two years supervision.

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