Jersey politicians urge zero-tolerance over litter
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A panel of politicians want the police to take a "zero tolerance" approach to littering
People should get an on-the-spot fine for dropping litter in Jersey, according to a panel of politicians.
The report from the Education and Homes Affairs Scrutiny Panel said the policing of parks and beaches should be more of a priority for police officers.
The police in Jersey have the power to award £500 fines, but so far, none have been issued.
The scrutiny panel want the police to take a "zero-tolerance" approach to littering.
The Home Affairs Minister told the panel: "The issue is slightly complicated in Jersey by the existence of the Honorary Police system and the fact that they do have fines and so on.
"So what you would be talking about would be giving States of Jersey Police officers a power of fining for the first time.
"That would be controversial, if only because it would seem to take away from the role of the honoraries, so all these issues have got to be considered," said Senator Ian Le Marquand.
The scrutiny panel also want to create the role of a Dog Warden who would patrol the island for owners who let their animals foul the land.
Drinking in public places is another issue the report examines and the panel wants the police to have the power to confiscate alcohol from adults as well as young people.
The Council of Ministers will consider the panels recommendations over the next six weeks.