Visually impaired runner praises islanders

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Sha Khan
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Sha Khan discovered his passion for running in 2022, after losing 90% of his vision in 2021

A man who lost 90% of his vision a few months after he moved to Jersey has said the community helped give him hope during a time of "despair".

Sha Khan lost most of his vision during a two-week period in 2021 from hereditary conditions retinitis pigmentosa, external and Stargardt disease, external.

He started running in 2022, with running aids helping him take part in his first half-marathon in April.

He said strangers in Jersey "helped me so much".

Mr Khan has decided to move back to the UK to be with his family.

"Even though I'm going home, it's like I'm leaving home. I'm leaving such a close family behind me and it really saddens me," he said.

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Sha Khan lost 90% of his vision a few months after moving to Jersey two-and-a-half years ago

Mr Khan said: "People didn't even know me but they helped me so much. People would buy me milk or get me that loaf of bread. I had people who would bring me a pot of food to the house.

He said the faith communities had also supported him.

"The Muslim community have been amazing, they have cooked for me and hoover up, they have a key to my flat.

"And the Christian community what they have done for me, words can never explain."

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Sha Khan was given leaving presents from his fellow running group at his last session

Mr Khan started running after a Guide Dogs UK volunteer suggested the activity to him.

He said the support he had gained from Jersey's Rock and Road running club was something "I don't think they will ever understand".

Salem Karadsheh, a member of the club, said Mr Khan was a well-known figure in the running community.

He said: "When I run with him a lot of people shout his name, they know him, he will be missed and we will always be in contact with him."

Rob Romfitt, another club member, said: "He is a really open, positive character he brings that infectious enthusiasm to everything."