In quotes: International tributes to Nestor Kirchner

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Nestor Kirchner sharing a laugh with Venezuelan Hugo Chavez (May 2010)
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International leaders have been paying tribute

The news of the death of former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner has prompted tributes from across Latin America and the wider world. Here are some of them:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

In a message on his Twitter account, addressed to Mr Kirchner's widow, President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner: "Oh my dear Cristina... How sad! What a great loss for Argentina and Our America! Long live Kirchner for ever!"

Chilean President Sebastian Pinera

"His death has had a great effect on me personally... (It) represents a great loss for the Republic of Argentina and for all the countries of Latin America... (He was) a man who dedicated his life to public service for the whole world."

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo

In a statement issued by his office: "President Fernando Lugo is saddened by the news... (He) was shocked by the sudden death of a friend and companion in the construction of an inclusive Latin America, with a fundamental role in the processes of integration in the region."

Uruguayan President Jose Mujica

"We send all possible solidarity to the Argentine people and President Cristina Fernandez... Life goes on, but it is a reminder to everyone that life can be taken from us at any moment."

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos

"(His death) is a great loss for Argentina and for the continent. Recently I had the opportunity to strike up a good friendship with him. He was always ready to do his bit to improve our relations with the whole region."

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

"In Nestor Kirchner I always had a great ally and close friend. He played an important part in the economic, social and political rebuilding of his country and made important efforts in the common struggle for South American integration. Brazilians share the pain of our Argentine brothers at this bitter moment."

US President Barack Obama

"On behalf of the American people, I offer my sincere condolences to the Argentine people and to President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner... Nestor Kirchner played a significant role in the political life of Argentina and had embarked upon an important new chapter with (the South American regional grouping) Unasur. Michelle's and my thoughts and prayers are with President Fernandez de Kirchner and their children."

Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

In a telegram sent to Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner: "Still deeply shocked by the sad news of the death of former president Nestor Kirchner, I would like to convey my sincere condolences on behalf of the Spanish government and myself. Please be assured, dear president and friend Cristina, that the love of the Spanish people will be with you at this time of deep sorrow."

World Jewish Congress President Ronald S Lauder

"During his term in office, President Kirchner brought Argentina back on track - not just economically, but also morally, with respect to the human rights violations of the past, especially under the military dictatorship in the 1970s. Both the late President Kirchner and his wife, current President Cristina Fernandez, have played a tremendous role in ensuring that Argentina today is one of the world's foremost democracies, where the civil rights of all religious and ethnic minorities are respected."