Dominican Republic country profile

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Map and flag of the Dominican Republic

Once ruled by Spain, the Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, a former French colony.

The Caribbean nation is a major tourist destination. This, coupled with free-trade zones, has become the country's major employer and key sources of revenue, replacing dependence on sugar, coffee and other exports.

The Dominican Republic is inhabited mostly by people of mixed European and African origins. Western influence is seen in the colonial buildings of the capital, Santo Domingo, as well as in art and literature. African heritage is reflected in music.


  • Capital: Santo Domingo

  • Area: 48,442 sq km

  • Population: 10.7 million

  • Language: Spanish

  • Life expectancy: 69 years (men) 77 years (women)


President: Luis Abinader

Image source, Dominican Republic Presidency

Luis Abinader, a US-educated scion of a political dynasty, was elected president in 2020 on a platform of leading the country out of the economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Of Lebanese extraction, he has business interests in the important tourism sector, and has made its revival his priority.

He stood unsuccessfully for the presidency in 2016, and his win ended 16 years of rule by the centre-left Dominican Liberation Party.

President Abinader has signalled a toughening of relations with neighbouring Haiti by announcing the constructions of a border fence to curb drug-smuggling and migration.


Image source, Getty Images

There are scores of terrestrial TV channels and hundreds of radio stations, most of them commercial.

In recent years, there has been a decrease in physical and verbal attacks against journalists, says Reporters Without Borders.

The media landscape is diverse and reporters regularly reveal scandals involving personalities in power. Citizens have free access to all media


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Punta Cana with its beaches is a leading tourist destination

Some key dates in the history of the Dominican Republic:

1492 - Christopher Columbus visits the island, which he names Hispaniola, or "Little Spain".

1496 - Spanish set up their first colony in Western hemisphere at Santo Domingo, which subsequently serves as capital of all their colonies in America.

1697 - Treaty of Ryswick - which ends the Nine Years' War (War of the Grand Alliance or War of the League of Augsburg) - gives the western part of Hispaniola to France and the eastern part to Spain.

1795 - Spain cedes its portion of Hispaniola to France.

1808 - Spain retakes Santo Domingo following revolt by Spanish Creoles.

1821 - Uprising against Spanish rule is followed by brief period of independence.

1822 - Haitian President Jean-Pierre Boyer marches his troops into Santo Domingo and annexes it.

1844 - Boyer overthrown; Santo Domingo declares its independence and becomes the Dominican Republic.

1861-64 - President Pedro Santana returns the Dominican Republic to Spanish rule.

1865 - The second Dominican Republic proclaimed.

1906 - Dominican Republic and US sign 50-year treaty under which the US takes over the customs department in return for buying its debts.

1916-24 - US forces occupy the Dominican Republic following internal disorder.

1924 - Constitutional government assumes control; US forces withdraw.

1930-1961 - General Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina establishes personal dictatorship following the overthrow of President Horacio Vazquez. He rules until his assassination in 1961.

1962 - Juan Bosch, founder of the leftist Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) is elected president in the first democratic elections for nearly four decades.

1963 - Bosch deposed in military coup.

1965 - Some 30,000 US troops invade the Dominican Republic following a pro-Bosch uprising.

1966 - Joaquin Balaguer, a Trujillo protégé, is elected president.

1978 - Silvestre Antonio Guzman is elected president and proceeds to release some 200 political prisoners, ease media censorship and purge the armed forces of Balaguer supporters.

2001 - US jet bound for Santo Domingo crashes in New York killing all 255 people on board.

2005 - Congress approves a proposed free trade agreement with the US and Central American nations. The Dominican Republic enters the accord in 2007.

2018 - Dominican Republic ends its long diplomatic relationship with Taiwan, establishing ties with China instead.

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The cathedral in the capital in Santo Domingo is the oldest in the Americas

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