Bahrain unrest: Your stories

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Security forces in Bahrain have dispersed thousands of anti-government protesters in Pearl Square in the centre of the capital, Manama.

The protesters are calling for wide-ranging political reforms and had been camped out since Tuesday.

BBC News website readers in Bahrain spoke to the BBC on 17 February about the recent events.

Mohamed, Manama, Bahrain

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"It was horrifying, there was no warning"

I have been protesting since 14 February and I was sleeping in the square last night when the surprise attack by the special forces occurred.

It was horrifying, there was no warning. We were attacked with teargas so it was difficult to tell what was going on. People tried to escape and no-one could tell what was happening. We left the square and have been unable to return because the police have been preventing people from getting access.

This action from the government contradicts what the king said two days ago. They should have used water hoses at first instead of using rubber bullets and other prohibited weapons. There were women and children who were terrified by the attack.

After the attack in the square, there were further protests outside the hospital. Ambulances had been prevented from getting injured people treatment.

People were having to go to be treated in private clinics and we heard that one of the doctors there was then attacked by the police.

Samia, Manama, Bahrain

The anti-government protests are not the only side to the story.

I live near the Pearl roundabout and I think what these protesters are doing is completely wrong. If people disagree with something, they should go through the legal channels - not run around trying to scare everybody. The protesters are telling people to close down schools. They are carrying knives, wearing black clothing - people are frightened.

There is a system for this type of thing - you can set up a council and take complaints to parliament. The Shias are well-represented in parliament, so there is no need for them to behave like this. What they are asking for is impossible - we are not Libya, Egypt or Iran. Bahrainis love the leadership and are loyal.

I am a teacher and my school has been shut down for two days because students and teachers are scared.

As to the police violence yesterday, they were pushed by the protesters. The police were politely telling protesters to move away from the area yesterday and the people responded with violence- throwing stones at them.

Sneha, Manama, Bahrain

I am currently at home in Manama.

We live in an area which is majority Shia. Helicopters have been flying overhead 24/7. We could hear bullets being discharged all night and the night previous to that.

I haven't left the house since 14 February because things are so sensitive in this area. My dad said he had problems getting to the office today because quite a few of the roads were blocked.

The grocery stores are closed and food supplies are a bit of a worry because we can't get any bread.

The police were still trying to disperse people earlier this morning - there was a demo in front of the hospital where many people had gathered.

The curfew will apparently be imposed from 1300.

The police are occupying a mall in the city centre - we hear - which they are using to store their supplies.

There has been violence on both sides, but I think the police acted very brutally - attacking people when they were asleep - especially the women and children.

It's impossible to get a clear picture of what is going on because Bahrain TV is not broadcasting anything from the scene. I can't go out on the street and try to get a glimpse so I'm relying on information from friends and colleagues and looking at the BBC and CNN website.

I don't know whether I do or don't support the government. I just hope that there is a peaceful resolution to this and a genuine attempt to get things better.

Read previous accounts from Bahrain