Middle East Beats: Yousra El Gendy

Yousra El Gendy is far from being the typical glamorous Egyptian singer musing about Prince Charming and performing the occasional belly dance.

She sings about anything that comes to her mind, including Cairo's chaotic traffic which inspired the song she performs for the BBC's Middle East Beats series.

She is a part of an emerging underground scene that seems to have found its place and role among the youth following the 2011 revolution.

This new generation of Egyptian musicians displays attitude and sings in modern urban slang with little regard for convention.

Western influence is clear in Yousra's style and stance, her quirkiness and the electronic beats.

But the inspiration for her lyrics, which are tinged with sarcasm and innuendo, is all Egyptian, and in the case of this song, is literally the streets of Cairo which drive her crazy.

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