Nepal media guide

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A Kathmandu mushroom seller reads a newspaperImage source, Getty Images

Private broadcasting has flourished. The government operates radio and TV services and publishes a Nepali-language daily and an English-language paper.

Radio is a key news source and there are few barriers to setting up an outlet, says US-based NGO Freedom House. There are around 250 community stations.

The 2015 constitution guarantees freedom of expression and prohibits prior restraints on press freedom, though these rules can be suspended in a national emergency, and future press restraints for national security reasons are allowed.

There is a small film industry, nicknamed "Kollywood". Indian films are staple fare in cinemas.

BBC World Service broadcasts on 103 FM in Kathmandu.

There were 21.9 million internet users by July 2022, comprising 73% of the population ( Facebook is a popular platform and the use of Twitter is on the rise. Prominent bloggers write about political issues.




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