Excerpts: Leaked US Afghan war records

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Leaked US military records on the war in Afghanistan, which were posted on the Wikileaks website as the Afghan War Diary, external, are a classified - and previously unreported - daily rundown of incidents of violence and criminality in Afghanistan.

The documents offer a snapshot of the grim reality of conditions on the ground in Afghanistan and the challenges facing troops operating there. Here is a selection:


3 May 2004, bodyguards gunned down: "As many as 15 bodyguards assigned to protect Zabol Province Governor Mohammad Hosayni Khial were killed in an ambush in Shajoy. Governor Khial, who was travelling in a separate vehicle ahead of his bodyguards, was not involved in the attack. In addition to killing the bodyguards, the attacker managed to steal vehicle."

2 June 2004, aid workers killed: "Insurgents ambushed the car of an aid worker organisation in Badghis Province, killing all five occupants. Members of the Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack. Assessment of the crime scene determined that two attackers committed the ambush while travelling on a motorcycle."

11 September 2009, mosque congregation shot: "A group of armed insurgents set up an ambush in front of a mosque in the Rostaq district of Takhar province. After prayers the insurgents opened fire on the civilians exiting the mosque. One person killed, two wounded."


11 October 2007, doctor and family seized: "Gen Mullakhel, Paktika Chief of Police, informed us today that Dr Saboor, the project manager from International Medical Corps (IMC), along with his wife (another doctor working at Sharana Hospital), four children, and a father-in-law were kidnapped four days ago. They were driving a taxi, so there was no car stolen."

1 November 2008, mine clearers taken: "Five Enemies of Peace stole a road construction truck and kidnapped an unknown amount of mine clearance workers."

20 April 2009, minister's father abducted: "Taliban kidnapped the father of the Ministry of Education. Afghan National Police were sent to investigate. He was reportedly taken to a village on the border of Chark."

26 April 2009, government workers seized: "NDS [Afghan Intelligence Service] reported an unknown amount of Taliban abducted five government officials two days ago and were holding them in the hopper of a white truck."


18 May 2004, election worker threatened: "A night letter was posted on the wall of the home of one of the female vote registration workers. The letter, addressed to her husband, translated into English, read: 'Respectable Mr. Aren't you a Muslim? This process is against the Koran. If you don't stop sending your wife to work, anything that will happen to your family is your responsibility.' The letter is signed: 'Mujahideen.'"

19 February 2008, Afghan army commander threatened: "Commander Jamaladin received a call from Taliban Commander Mullah Ezat. Mullah Ezat told him surrender and offered him US$100,000 to quit working for the Afghan army. Ezat also stated that he knows where the ANA commander is from and knows his family."

1 September 2009, government workers killed: "Five armed insurgents went to Gardan village and killed two local nationals because they worked for the local government."

1 September 2009, school attacked: "A hand grenade was thrown by unknown individuals on a secondary school of Abdal Village in Takhar Province."


22 April 2004, multiple bombings: "Three IEDs [improvised explosive devices] exploded within 20 hours during 21-22 April. A time-delay IED attached to a motorbike exploded in the compound of the district commissioner's office in Spin Boldak during a meeting at which Governor Pashtun of Kandhar, the director general of customs, the deputy minister of finance and the district commissioner were present."

5 June 2004, series of attempts: "Third book bomb delivered to Chaparhar district mayor's office."

2 November 2004, last-minute escape: "Explosive incident - upon arrival, engineers had already been on the scene and disconnected mine from cell phone. The phone rang about two seconds after it was disconnected."


2 April 2007, police extortion at checkpoint: "Through interviews with truck drivers it has been reported that Afghan National Police (ANP) forces are demanding money from the drivers at the first check point from Kabul going to Bagram Air Field and at the ANP check point just outside the gate at BAF. The fees range from 100-600 Afghani. "

14 May 2009, police chief attacks checkpoint: "An Afghan National Police (ANP) chief of counter narcotics was stopped at an NDS [Afghan Intelligence Service] checkpoint and refused to be checked. While trying to escape the checkpoint, he shot at the NDS. He was captured after being shot."


20 April 2009, massive morphine haul: "While conducting operation, Warthawg [close combat aircraft] finds a cache consisting of 3,000kg of morphine base which can produce 1,500kg of heroin."

28 April 2009, opium industry seizure: "Task Force 2-2 reported that while conducting a patrol, forces confiscated more than two tons of poppy seeds."


10 March 2008, children killed in botched US forces night raid on compound in Paktika province aimed at killing al-Qaeda commander Abu Laith al-Libi, who was mistakenly believed to be hiding there. Five American rockets destroyed the compound, followed by a helicopter-borne assault by US special forces: "Seven Afghan civilians (children) killed in action. During initial questioning, it was assessed that the children were not allowed out of the building, due to UIMs presence within the compound. The assault force was able to uncover one child from the rubble."

21 March 2007, deaf man shot in Paktika province: "Afghan local ran at the sight of the approaching US forces. US forces utilised the escalation of force doctrine and shouted to stop, fired warning shots and then fired to wound. The civilian was hit in the ankle and treated by medics on scene. It was determined through discussions with local elders that the man was a deaf mute who could not hear warnings and ran out of fear and confusion."


21 May 2008, police and soldiers clash: "At approximately 1700 an Afghan National Police (ANP) soldier at a bazaar got into a fight with two national defence soldiers (NDS). The ANP returned to the ANP compound to retrieve his AK-47. The ANP soldier exited the compound and gunfire was exchanged with the NDS soldiers. The NDS soldiers had a DSHKA [heavy machine gun] mounted on a vehicle and the NDS soldiers killed the ANP."

11 April 2009, drug-induced shooting: "B Coy 1 Rifles reported that some Afghan Border Police (ABP) high on drugs were arguing and woke up the interpreters. The ABP were later on the roof talking when three shots were fired... One ABP was wounded with a single gun shot wound to his abdomen. After medical attention the gun shot wound proved fatal."


29 December 2009, rogue Afghan soldier: "During the resupply of a MI8 helicopter in Forward Operating Base Columbus, an Afghan National Army (ANA) soldier opened fire against coalition forces with the intent to kill them in Forward Operating Base Todd. As a consequence one US soldier was wounded, two Italian soldiers were lightly wounded and the ANA was wounded (shot himself)."

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