China gloats over US anger at Snowden revelations

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I won't be providing service as usual this week - I'm making a documentary for Radio 4 on US-China relations and have just arrived in Beijing.

If I wasn't here, I would be manically tracking the movements of former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden and the US administration's reaction.

It's fair to say they are very cross and have adopted a fairly hectoring tone to other governments who might be thinking of turning a blind eye to the fugitive.

But America's chase after the leaker may do the country's image abroad more harm than the leaks themselves.

Perhaps there is little alternative but to pursue someone who has knowingly, even boastfully, broken the law.

But just take a look at this from China's Global Times, external as Snowden flees from Hong Kong:

"He has uncovered the inside story of the US government's infringement of civil rights and its cyber espionage around the world, which has put the US on the moral back foot."

Wishing him luck, the article from the state-controlled newspaper continues: "His personal fate will reflect the game between US hegemony and global pursuit for fairness and justice."

The gloating continues with the Global Times arguing that China has to reverse world opinion on its use of cybersecurity, changing its image from aggressor to victim.

Although my focus for the Radio 4 programme is rather different, it is exactly the sort of hard case that plays into my themes of a relationship where co-operation and competition intertwine.