Trump climate deal pullout: The global reaction

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US residents living in Japan and local residents hold a rally near the US embassy in Tokyo on March 16, 2017Image source, Getty Images

President Donald Trump's announcement that the US is withdrawing from the 2015 Paris climate agreement has drawn strong reaction from supporters and opponents inside America and around the world.

Former President Barack Obama, who negotiated the Paris deal for the US

"The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created. I believe the United States of America should be at the front of the pack. But even in the absence of American leadership; even as this Administration joins a small handful of nations that reject the future; I'm confident that our states, cities, and businesses will step up and do even more to lead the way, and help protect for future generations the one planet we've got."

French President Emmanuel Macron

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French President Emmanuel Macron says Paris agreement will "make the planet great again"

"I tell you firmly tonight: We will not renegotiate a less ambitious accord. There is no way. Don't be mistaken on climate; there is no plan B because there is no planet B."

Russian President Vladimir Putin

"I would not want to condemn President Trump now, because President Obama took the relevant decision... In my view, it was not necessary to pull out of the Paris agreements... [But] we still have time for this if we work constructively, we have time to agree something. Don't worry - be happy!"

Elon Musk, entrepreneur and Tesla Inc CEO who had served on a White House advisory council

"Am departing presidential councils. Climate change is real. Leaving Paris is not good for America or the world,"


US Senator Bernie Sanders, former Democratic presidential candidate

Image source, Getty Images

"At this moment, when climate change is already causing devastating harm around the world, we do not have the moral right to turn our backs on efforts to preserve this planet for future generations."

Democratic Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio

"President Trump can turn his back on the world, but the world cannot ignore the very real threat of climate change. This decision is an immoral assault on the public health, safety and security of everyone on this planet. On behalf of the people of New York City, and alongside mayors across the country, I am committing to honour the goals of the Paris agreement with an executive order in the coming days, so our city can remain a home for generations to come."

Democratic former US Secretary of State John Kerry

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Paris negotiator John Kerry: 'Gross abdication of leadership'

"The president who promised "America First" has taken a self-destructive step that puts our nation last. This is an unprecedented forfeiture of American leadership which will cost us influence, cost us jobs, and invite other countries to walk away from solving humanity's most existential crisis. It isolates the United States after we had united the world."

Republican US House Speaker Paul Ryan

"The Paris climate agreement was simply a raw deal for America. Signed by President Obama without Senate ratification, it would have driven up the cost of energy, hitting middle-class and low-income Americans the hardest.

"I commend President Trump for fulfilling his commitment to the American people and withdrawing from this bad deal."

US Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer

"President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement is a devastating failure of historic proportions. Future generations will look back on President Trump's decision as one of the worst policy moves made in the 21st century because of the huge damage to our economy, our environment and our geopolitical standing."

Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Image source, Getty Images

"I applaud President Trump and his administration for dealing yet another significant blow to the Obama administration's assault on domestic energy production and jobs. President Obama made commitments in this deal based off a costly power plan that we knew at the time was on shaky legal ground. By withdrawing from this unattainable mandate, President Trump has reiterated his commitment to protecting middle class families across the country and workers throughout coal country from higher energy prices and potential job loss."

Peabody Energy, largest coal mining firm in the US

"Peabody supports the administration's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. We believe that abiding by the accord, without significant changes, would have substantially impacted the US economy, increased electricity costs and required the power sector to rely on less diverse and more intermittent energy. Peabody continues to advocate for greater use of technology to meet the world's need for energy security, economic growth and energy solutions through high efficiency low emissions coal-fuelled power plants and research and development funding for carbon capture."

Paul Bailey, president of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE)

"We support President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement. The previous administration volunteered to meet one of the most stringent goals of any country in the world, while many other countries do far less to reduce their emissions. Meeting President Obama's goal would have led to more regulations, higher energy prices, and dependence on less reliable energy sources."

UK Prime Minister Theresa May - a Downing Street statement

Image source, EPA

"The Prime Minister expressed her disappointment with the decision and stressed that the UK remained committed to the Paris Agreement.

"The Paris Agreement provides the right global framework for protecting the prosperity and security of future generations, while keeping energy affordable and secure for our citizens and businesses."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel

"We need the Paris agreement to protect all of creation. Nothing can and nothing will stop us... To everyone who cares about the future of our planet, I say let's continue on this path together to succeed in protecting Mother Earth."

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres (via spokesman Stephane Dujarric)

"The decision by the United States to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change is a major disappointment for global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote global security. It is crucial that the United States remains a leader on environmental issues."

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Image source, Getty Images

"We are deeply disappointed that the United States federal government has decided to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Canada is unwavering in our commitment to fight climate change and support clean economic growth."

European Commission climate action commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete

"Today is a sad day for the global community, as a key partner turns its back on the fight against climate change. The EU deeply regrets the unilateral decision by the Trump administration to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement."

Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris

Image source, Getty Images

"No matter what decision is made by the White House, cities are honouring their responsibilities to implement the Paris Agreement. There is no alternative for the future of our planet."

President Frank Bainimarama of Fiji, which is organising the next UN annual climate meeting, COP23

"The decision by the Trump Administration to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change is deeply disappointing, especially for the citizens of vulnerable nations throughout the world.

"As incoming President of COP23, I did what I could - along with many leaders around the world - to try to persuade President Trump to remain standing shoulder-to-shoulder with us as, together, we tackle the greatest challenge our planet has ever faced. While the loss of America's leadership is unfortunate, this is a struggle that is far from over."

Hilda Heine, President of the under-threat Marshall Islands

Image source, Getty Images

"Today's decision is not only disappointing but also highly concerning for those of us who live on the front line of climate change.

"The rest of the world remains firmly committed to the Paris Agreement and our own commitment to it, and that of our wider Pacific family, will never waiver."