Dogs waiting sadly outside polling stations could be election day memes
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It's polling day and there is another question on the nation's lips, apart from "Who should I vote for?"
It is "Can I bring my dog to the polling station?"
A few people have tweeted about it. , external
One even called it "the most important question of the election"., external
Even Newsnight host Evan Davis wanted to know.
Yes, you can Evan.

Dogs are allowed as long as they are in an "accompanying" role and not "free range".
Basically as long as you don't have a naughty disruptive pooch, you can bring him or her with you. If you have babies, they are also allowed in.
Because a lot of people don't know the rules, or feel they have unpredictable dogs, a lot of polling day pictures feature dogs looking sad.
Like this pooch who just wanted to experience that floaty franchise feeling.

And this different black Labrador who just wants to know why his vote doesn't matter.

And this dog who really wanted to take part especially as he lives in Sheffield.

This dog was so politically engaged, it was wearing a rosette.

However, we have blacked it out lest the political allegiance of this dog sways your vote.
You're not allowed to wear rosettes to polling stations unless you're a candidate, and even then they can't be over a certain size.
Could this dog be standing as a candidate in central London?
Perhaps this isn't even a dog?
So many questions.
These toy poodles are having a chat about animal rights in Hull, where another waiting photographer noticed their forlorn disenfranchised faces.

This dog wants to know what the rules are for what you can tweet on election day. It's all so confusing.

The Electoral Commission warns against tweeting inside the polling station even if it's about your own vote.
Once you get outside you can say who you voted for.
You shouldn't reveal someone else's vote though as this is a criminal act.
The rules are different for broadcast reporters who have a responsibility to remain unbiased (papers have different rules).
BBC coverage is restricted to uncontroversial factual accounts such as the weather or the appearance of politicians at polling stations.
Dogs are OK too.

This dog wants to know when voting finishes (10pm).

This dog wants to know what to do if he lost his polling card.

He can of course still turn up and vote if he brings proof of address and ID.
And if he wasn't a dog.
Meanwhile, some dogs are getting in on the voting action.
There's even a hashtag... #DogsAtPollingStations.
It's now trending on Twitter. , external
Now people are tweeting images of their dogs., external

This dog has the self-satisfied look of a canine who's taken part in the democratic process.

Have you voted? Happy Election Day!
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