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Pictures: All the animals at London Zoo get a health check

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Tarantula on a hand being measured by a ruler
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Every year London Zoo measures its animals to check their health. We wouldn't want to hold this red-kneed tarantula long enough to measure it with a ruler. That's a lot of legs!

A Galapagos turtle stands on a scale whilst a zoo keeper holds up the scales digital display.
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It's no easy job weighing all the animals. As you can see this Galapagos turtle was no lightweight. Those are some pretty big scales!

An emperor tamarin sitting on some weighing scales.
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This emperor tamirin jut wants to monkey around - sticking out it's tongue out on the measuring scales.

Zookeepers hold a tape measure up against a milk snake to check it's size.
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Sometimes they need some pretty long measuring tapes to size up animals like this milk snake.

A tamandua licks a branch as it sits on some weighing scales.
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This tamandua finds a branch to lick whilst the zoo keepers check how much it weighs. Tasty?