Your Red Nose Day photos...
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Pupils at New Hall Preparatory School are sporting their red noses today in honour of Comic Relief.

Owen, Joshua, Olivia and Noan held a bake sale at home and raised a whopping £190!

Tia dressed up all in red for school and is being sponsored by her mum, dad, nanny, grandad and auntie.

Joshua and Billy baked a special Comic Relief cake which they hope will help them raise lots of money.

Ellie sported red glasses, a red t-shirt, red fairy wings and a red skirt to school!

Alice wore her onesie to class today to help raise cash for Comic Relief.

These pupils at Forth Primary School are having a whale of a time dressing up in their pyjamas for Comic Relief.

Evie agreed to have her hair cut in front of her whole school and raised over £1300. She's also donating her hair to a charity who make wigs for children who've lost their hair after having cancer treatment.

Port Ellen Primary School had a great Red Nose Day, with pupils raising £401 from selling cakes and painting each other's nails red.

Sisters Izzie and Mimi, and their friend Emily held a toy and cake sale in their village. Izzie was also sponsored to have her hair cut off. Altogether they raised £511.62!