Capsized Costa Concordia ship to be raised from sea
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A team of engineers plan to put lift the Costa Concordia, which capsized in January 2013, from the sea and put it back in its upright position. It could be the biggest and most expensive ocean salvage operation ever.

It capsized after hitting a reef off Giglio Island, off the coast of Italy. The ship has remained on its side ever since.

On Monday engineers plan to try a never-before used method to put the ship upright. They think it will take 500 engineers and 18,000 tonnes of cement to pull off the operation and cost around £500m.

The ship will slowly be rotated and then floated with 11 large box-like structures. This attempt is being made before autumn storms start so that the ship doesn't continue getting battered. If it did, it may be no longer be possible to put upright in one piece.