What are you doing for Children in Need?
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You've been getting in touch to tell us what you've been doing to help raise money for Children in Need.
The chat is now closed but check out some of the best comments below.
Your comments
Today we are all wearing lots and lots of spots. We can see spotty tights, spotty faces and spotty shower caps. We are having fun and raising money for Children in Need!
Woodpecker class, Horningsham, England
We are going to school in our PJs and taking in our loose change to line up... every metre = 1 minute extra playtime.
Poppy, Great Ayton, England
My school is selling popcorn, face painting and selling cakes. We are going to raise loads of money. Also loads of people are selling spotty onesies.
Molly, Lutterworth, England
My school are doing a dodge-ball fundraiser.
Cane, London, England
We are having a mad moustache day and I'm having moustaches all over my arms and a fake one on my face.
Daniel, Loughborough, England
I am so excited today I am going to school in my pyjamas and at football training were doing a sponsored penalty shoot out.
Jack, Lewes, England
Last night I raised £107 pounds by making a disco for Children in Need.
Anna, North Wales
We are having a cake sale, a pancake sale, hair braiding, find Pudsey, tombola, pull the stick and so much more!
Madeline, United Kingdom
My school are dressing up as superheroes or wearing something spotty - and I am wearing Pudsey ears.
Tayler, Livingston, Scotland
I am going to sing in the choir for Children in Need on TV, so we get to leave school at 12!
Sophia, Coventry, England
At my school it's £1 to come in non-uniform and there are other things going on in the day such as cupcake sales, throw-the-sponge-at-a-teacher and even my RE teachers own beloved donuts will be for sale! Yum!
Liam, Cambridgeshire, England
I am having Jedward hair to raze money for Pudsey day at school.
Shannon, United Kingdom
I'm wearing a silly hat to school today, I love Pudsey and I'm going to give money to Children in Need!
Bella, Norwich, England
Me and my school friends are coming into school dressing up as Pudsey and later on today we will have a Pudsey themed fair.
Alex, Surrey, England
My school is doing "I'm a teacher, get me out of here!" to raise money. All we need is 50p to go and see. I can't wait to see my teacher eat a cockroach!
Hannah, Stafford, England
At my school we can dress up in spots and we are doing a parade in the gym hall, we are also selling biscuits we made!
Charlotte, Invernessshire, Scotland
I'm going to do a sponsored silence and go to school in a onesie.
Aaron, Welbourn, England
We are wearing our onesies and we're holding a charity concert and there will be other things going on too but it's all a surprise!
Abbey, North Wales
I will be watching the show tonight show but my school is not doing anything for Children in Need - but I have painted my bag in spots for the day.
Emily, Daventry, England
We are scraping gum off tables! I know it sounds disgusting but at least it's for charity.
Olivia, Alton, England
I have organised for everyone to dress up in spots and bring in one pound.
Amy, Bristol, England
Our school is coming in in non-uniform and we give £1 towards Children in Need. Then we are having a cake sale at school.
Emma, Newbury, England
Today at our school we get to go dressed in our onesies or pyjamas! We will also bring donations in and the class that raises the most money wins a prize.
Noah, Bromley, England
I am so excited. At school it is pyjama day! We are also having a drama performance.
Anelise, Thetford, England
We are doing Spots vs Stripes at school. You have to pay a pound to enter and we're doing a penalty shoot out.
Kaiya, Featherstone, England
Our choir are all going to a shopping centre to sing until 3!
Caitlin, Whaley Bridge, England
Me and my school are participating in pyjama day.
Yassin, Coventry, England
With school today I am dressing up as a superhero and after school there will be a cake sale.
Emily, Isle of Man
I'm going to school in my onesie and paying for that. Then we are having a big raffle and cake sale. All money's go to Children in Need.
Teegan, Corby, England
At school we are paying £1 to wear onesies, stripes, spots and fancy dress.
Emly, England
Me and my friends are selling Pudsey shaped biscuits at school!
Samra, England
My school is selling shortbread and having a Children in Need day.
Alfie, Hove, England