Doctor Who through the ages - all sixteen Doctors
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To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who we've been doing a bit of time-travelling ourselves! We've taken a look back at the last 16 incarnations of the Time Lord.

After being struck with a huge laser-beam in his battle with the Toymaker, David Tennant's 14th Doctor bi-regenerated, splitting in two. The new 15th version of the Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa begins his first full adventure in time and space, taking on baby-eating goblins, on Christmas Day 2023. Gatwa is the first black actor to play the Doctor for a full series and is the fourth Scottish actor in the role.

From recognising his teeth to repeatedly saying "what!?", the Doctor's 14th regeneration came as a shock to everyone. It's a new life for the Doctor but with a familiar face. David Tennant returned to play Doctor number 14, looking almost exactly how he did when he was the 10th incarnation of the character. But how has the Doctor regenerated into an old body? All was revealed in a special episode for the sci-fi series' 60th anniversary.

Thirteenth Doctor: Jodie Whittaker (2017-2022). Jodie was the first woman to play the role and the first words she said when she realised she'd regenerated as a woman were "Aw, Brilliant!" Her time in the Tardis involved battles with the Doctor's arch-nemesis, the Master, while huge secrets were revealed about the character's origins.

Twelfth Doctor: Peter Capaldi (2013-2017). Peter first appeared as the Doctor briefly in the 50th anniversary special episode and also played minor characters in previous series. Peter's Doctor fought Daleks and Davros, Cybermen, Zygons, the Veil and the Time Lords.

Eleventh Doctor: Matt Smith (2010–2013). Born, “still cooking”, into a crashing TARDIS, the Eleventh Doctor hurtled into the life of Amy Pond and fancied a first meal of fish fingers and custard. The Doctor and Amy battled new Daleks in World War Two, Weeping Angels by the thousand and the depression in Vincent van Gogh’s mind.

Tenth Doctor: David Tennant (2005–2010). Waking on Christmas Day in his new form, the Tenth Doctor fought the Sycorax high above London. Travelling with Rose and Mickey he battled Cybermen, werewolves and possibly even the Devil itself.

Ninth Doctor: Christopher Eccleston (2005). The sole survivor of the Last Great Time War, scarred by the terrible things he’d seen and done, the Ninth Doctor was an intense and emotional incarnation. He took Rose Tyler to see the end of the world, inspired Charles Dickens and showed that for once, everybody could live.

The War Doctor: John Hurt (50th anniversary episode) Although not technically classed as an official Doctor, The War Doctor's origin is explained in the mini-episode "The Night of the Doctor" whereby the eighth Doctor wishes to regenerate as a Warrior, instead of a Doctor. This is confirmed when he regenerates as John Hurt, whose first words are "Doctor no more." He then joins the tenth and eleventh Doctors in an attempt to stop the war on their home planet of Gallifrey.

Eighth Doctor: Paul McGann (1996 & 2013). The Doctor regenerated into his eighth form in a hospital, on December 31, 1999 and teamed up with Grace Holloway to save the world from being pulled inside-out by the Master’s hijacking of the Tardis. Paul McGann has only played the Doctor on screen a handful of times; once in a 1996 Doctor Who film, a special clip for the 50th anniversary in 2013, and also during Jodie Whittaker's final episode in 2022.

Seventh Doctor: Sylvester McCoy (1987–1989, 1996) The seventh incarnation of the Doctor was both a spoon-playing clown and a master of deep dark secrets. He toppled empires in a single night, entertained in the circus of the Gods of Ragnarok and played chess with the ancient and evil Fenric.

Sixth Doctor: Colin Baker (1984–1986). The Sixth Doctor was an explosion of colours, words and emotions. Passionate and sometimes quick to anger, this was a Doctor you did not want to make enemies with. He tangled with the greed of the slimy Sil, and defeated the amoral Gallifreyan scientist known only as the Rani.

Fifth Doctor: Peter Davison (1981–1984). Clever, considered and kind, the Fifth Doctor's world was one of fascination and science. And it was in this fifth body that the Doctor was reunited with his past selves to fight in the Death Zone on Gallifrey.

Fourth Doctor: Tom Baker (1974–1981). From witnessing the genesis of the Daleks to preventing the death of the universe at Logopolis, the Fourth Doctor was an adventurer on an epic scale. It was this incarnation of the Doctor that found and reassembled the Key to Time, and was invested as Lord President of the High Council of Time Lords.

Third Doctor: Jon Pertwee (1970–1974). The Third Doctor began his exile on Earth with a new face. He was confident, bold and brash, but with a soft fatherly side. He helped the extra-terrestrial taskforce Unit combat living plastic Autons, Sea Devils and polluted giant green maggots, as well as fellow renegade Time Lord, the Master.

Second Doctor: Patrick Troughton (1966–1969). The Second Doctor was very different to his predecessor. A more playful attitude disguised dark undercurrents and a sharp mind. He was famous for freezing the emotionless Cybermen into their ancient tombs but he was forced into exile after being tried for interference by the the Time Lords.

First Doctor: William Hartnell (1963–1966). The First Doctor appeared to be a frail old man but don't be fooled. He played deadly games with the Celestial Toymaker, he fooled Roman emperors and French revolutionaries and foiled everything the evil Daleks could throw at him.
- Published11 May 2022
- Published23 November 2023