CHAT: Design your dream uniform
- Published

What do you think of this school uniform?
Pretty boring, right? Well, it was designed by a famous fashion brand for a primary school in Japan.
And it costs £500! Wow! That's more than most games consoles!
As for the design... well, we KNOW you can do better - so get in touch.
Tell us what you think of this outfit and design your dream uniform for school.
You can write to us describing it or even better - do a drawing and send us a photo!

This chat page is now closed. Thanks for all your comments and pics!

This picture came in from Emily in Glasgow showing her favourite uniform design:

Your comments:
You should wear pyjamas for school!
Whatever you want... but wear your blazer!
We've decided we would like our entire uniform to be made out of chocolate!
Year 3, Holy Trinity, Wakefield
We think that Armani designer school are a bad idea because some parents clearly would not be able to afford such an expensive uniform. We think it might be a good idea to explore having high-tech safety features built into our uniforms. We like technology.
Class 5DH, Robert Browning Primary School, London
You should be able to design your own individual uniform to express your individuality.
Colourful and cosy!

You must ask your parent, teacher or guardian for permission before you send us a comment and a photo.
We may show your comment on our website or in our TV bulletins. We'll show your first name and which town you're from - but we won't use your details for anything else.

Film your video like this - with you fairly close to the camera, clearly showing your head and shoulders