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Gritty McGritface, Gritney Spears and David Plowie hitting the streets this winter

Gritter in snow

No snow drift too high, no patch of ice too slippery... Gritty McGritface is ready to make the streets of Shropshire, England, safe this winter.

The gritter - which puts special salt on the roads to stop them becoming icy - is one of 24 that Shropshire Council has allowed residents to name following a vote.

It will be gritting roads alongside 'Gritney Spears', 'David Plowie' and 'Usain Salt'.

Gritty McGritface is a tribute to the public vote to name a polar exploration ship 'Boaty McBoatface' two years ago.

Other names include 'Gritty Gritty Bang Bang' - which ploughed to the top of the public poll with more than 1,200 votes - 'Frosty the Snow Van' and 'Spready Mercury'.

Unfortunately, 'Nicole Saltslinger' and 'Bob' were left feeling salty, losing out to more popular choices.

Tell us which is your favourite gritter name below, and let us know why in the comments.