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Would you like to go swimming in a frozen lake?

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Swimmers in pink tutusImage source, Getty Images
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Check out these amazing swimmers in tutus!

Swimmers laughing in the snow and pink tutusImage source, Getty Images
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The group from Shenyang, China, were taking part in a winter swim in Beiling Park.

Woman jumps into ice poolImage source, Getty Images
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The weather was an incredible -15 degrees outside of the water.

Swimmer jumping into lakeImage source, Getty Images
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The ice on the frozen lake had to be broken to allow the swimmers to dive into the water.

Woman in tutu face plants into waterImage source, Getty Images
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And that's a face plant!

Woman smiling as she swims through freezing waterImage source, Getty Images
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You wouldn't catch us looking this happy in water as cold as that! Don't try this in your local frozen lake...