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Lord Buckethead and Elmo: Check out these colourful election candidates


You might have noticed a few unusual characters standing in the UK general elections this year.

There were more than 3,300 people contesting 650 seats, many hoping to win for established parties or standing for political causes they really believed in.

And then there were the more unusual candidates who stood in this year's election.

From Lord Buckethead to Elmo, here are some of them:

lordbucketheadImage source, @LordBuckethead

Lord Buckethead and Count Binface went up against each other in Boris Johnson's constituency in Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

The two candidates are fierce rivals, and when they were asked to pose for a photo together Lord Buckethead said: "We are going to violate some serious intergalactic treaties."

countbinfaceImage source, @Countbinface

Another candidate who offered an alternative view on politics, was Nick the Incredible Flying Brick.

He represented the The Official Monster Raving Loony Party, which was first formed in 1983. The party is led by Howling Laud Hope, who took over jointly with his pet cat in 1999.

raving-loony-party.Image source, The Official Monster Raving Loony Party

As well as Buckethead and Binface, Boris Johnson was also up against Elmo.

Yes, the character from children's TV show Sesame Street! He stood at the last election too!

elmoImage source, Getty Images

In the past would-be members of parliament like Mr Fishfinger have won a fair few seats. More than 300 people voted for him at the 2017 election.

mr-fishfinger.Image source, Getty Images