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Coronavirus: How children in China and Hong Kong are learning at home

Three children stuck at home due to coronavirus in China and Hong Kong have told Newsround what it's like being unable to go to school.

Some pupils in the UK are now having to stay at home because of the outbreak.

But Agnes, Michelle and Leo have already spent weeks managing their school work - and working out how to still get some time outside while looking after themselves.

They've been using software from the artificial intelligence company, Century, to help them carry on their studies with online lessons.

Coronavirus was first spotted in the Chinese city of Wuhan though it has since spread to other parts of the world.

China and Hong Kong put lots of rules in place to try to contain the virus when it was first spotted - such as closing schools to stop people mixing together and spreading disease further.

Coronavirus: Why UK schools are sending home pupils who've been to Italy

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