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New award launched to find UK's school lockdown heroes

Child in a class with teacherImage source, Getty Images

The nation's most inspirational teachers and school staff are to be recognised with a brand new award.

The Pearson National Teaching Awards have launched The 'Lockdown Hero' Award for Outstanding Learner and Community Support.

It aims to honour these everyday heroes for the amazing work they have done to support pupils learning both at home and at school during lockdown.

The award was officially launched on BBC's The One Show on Friday 12 February.

Who's your school lockdown hero?

Child in an online class with teacherImage source, Getty Images

Do you know teachers or school support staff who have been doing outstanding work over the past year?

It may be someone who delivered amazing teaching despite all your classes being online. Or a school that made a real difference to the emotional wellbeing of families in need and their communities.

Entries are welcomed from parents, teachers, and schools for this Lockdown Hero award, by the deadline of 12 March 2021.

You can find more information about how to nominate your lockdown on BBC Bitesize.

Kid learning at homeImage source, Gareth Fuller
Image caption,

Has there been a special teacher or member of school staff who has helped inspire you during the last year?

The Lockdown Hero award is one of 15 award categories covering primary, secondary and further education.

It recognises not just the work of schools and colleges in the last year during lockdown but the life changing work of teachers, teaching assistants and headteachers every day throughout the UK.

Let us know your teaching lockdown heroes in the comments and why! Don't forget to nominate them too for the official award.