Dog photos: YOU sent us your precious pooch pics
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Let's hear from Newsrounder Purring Jeremy first, who says: "This is my Westie x Jack Russell puppy Keir. He is very naughty and has fun chasing the cats. He enjoys destroying his toys too! He is nine months old and loves annoying our other dog - a dachshund called Doxie."

Midnight Tiger Spaniel (what an appropriate name) sent us this photo of their doggy, saying: "This is Bear the six-month sprocker spaniel! (Springer spaniel crossed with a cocker spaniel) She loves to play fetch and lick you!"

Look at that perfect nose for sniffing out fun! This is Bella who is a five-year old sausage dog!

Diana sent us this photo of her pooch saying: "Molly is my puppy, she is a Shih Tzu. I love her so much!" Seeing this lovely picture Diana - we do too!

Say hello to these two adorable cuties! Georginathedoglover sent them in saying: "These are my two dogs - Violet is the fawn one (left) and Ruby is the other one. I love them so much."

Oh, well done - paw up! Where's that bag of treats? "This is Olive my adorable Mini Schnauzer!" said our Newsrounder with the username... Minischnauzer!

Oh we'd do anything for those eyes - even a walk on a rainy day! Darthmaulisthebestsith says: "This is Henry my dog, he is a Spanish water dog and an Irish water spaniel cross,"

We get an exclusive first look at a new arrival from Amelia, who tells us this is her new black Labrador on his very first day with her family!

And here's another recent arrival. Gracie says: "This is our recently adopted four-year-old French Bulldog. He is a bundle of energy!" We bet he is - you're very lucky to have him!

Coolgool123 sent us this perfect pooch: "This is my Golden Retriever and she is five years old."