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Christmas elves: You've been sending in your pictures

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elf by a fish tank
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Anna: My naughty elf wants to go for a swim with my fish

tree covered in toilet roll
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EBoxer1st: My elf has redecorated the tree with toilet roll

elves in the snow
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Reece & Charlotte: Our elves Evan and Cookie have been playing in the snow

elf tied up on kitchen door
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Tweet tweet: The elves have been arguing with the other toys again

elves on a tree
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BearsX: Our elves are being so naughty. I just went outside to play and I came back and saw them on the tree

Elves fishing
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These guys don't seem to be getting into trouble yet and fishing looks very relaxing

an elf in a smoothie maker
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AlexWH26: My elf, Jingles, hid in our smoothie maker! 🦌🦌🥧🥧🎅🏻🎅🏻 MERRY CHRISTMAS

elf playing twister
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Aliyashh: He’s playing Twister in the morning at 7am! Help, he’s driving me crazy

elf dressed as a snowman
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Mollie: I wanted to send you my cheeky elf Isabel pretending to be a snowman. Isabel visits me, and my little sisters Arabella and Lyla and has been visiting us from the North Pole since 2020.

elf hanging off a light
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Wongie: The elf has a parachute tangled up on the light with two candy canes

elf with toy dogs on leads
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Ivyapple99: My elf was walking the dogs this morning

Elf sitting on an advent calendar
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KL: Elf vs advent calendar - Elf wins

elves roasting marshmallows
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MagicRainbowTiger: Merry Christmas Newsround ❄️☃️ My elves Holly (pink), Twinkle (red) and Cookie (green) were all roasting marshmallows with a snowman this morning

elf cutting cloth
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ManCityFan: My Elf has been cutting up my Mum's favourite cleaning cloth. She was not happy

elf on a sink
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Harry: Buster the elf is being very cheeky drawing all over our bathroom sink.

elf with toy crane
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Elliebee: My elves used my brother's construction vehicles to make their own building site.

elf doing snow angels in some flour
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Nathan: Our elf, called Freddie, is doing snow angels in some flour!

elf and barbies
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Chocolate oranges1234: Our elf was hanging out with some Barbies!

elf on a Christmas tree
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Harrison C: This is our elf, Buddy, playing tricks again this year.