Screen-free car journey games to play during Christmas travel

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Long car journeys? It must be Christmas time!

If you and your nearest and dearest are one of the millions of families travelling to see relatives in the UK ahead of Christmas, Newsround is here to help!

Whether you're sitting in top-to-toe tailbacks, or watching the world whizz by, here are some games you can play to keep things interesting and help the journey fly by.

A word of warning from us - make sure whatever games you play aren't distracting for the driver.

Classic car games

I Spy and Shopping Basket are great time wasters and even can test your spelling or memory.

In I Spy a player gives the first letter of the object as a clue. For example, if it's wall, they say, "I spy with my little eye something beginning with W". Everyone takes turns to guess until someone gets the right answer.

Shopping basket involves each player adding an item to the list, for example saying, "I went to the shop and bought some milk", then "I went to the shop and bought some milk, lettuce..." and memorising all the items as they are added - until the list gets so long no one can remember!

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Hmmmmm what can I see that begins with "T"....?

But have you tried '20 Questions' where you think of a celebrity and the other passengers have to guess who you are by only asking 20 "yes" or "no" questions?

Another favourite is the number plate game - you might have your own version of the number plate game, but ours goes like this:

Write down the full alphabet on a piece of paper. Then tick off the letters when you spot a number plate that starts with them.

The first to complete the whole alphabet wins! Be prepared, it could take a good few hours!

Once upon a time...

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"Are we there yet?"

Take it in turns with the people in the car to add to a dramatic story.

Start it with "Once upon a time there was a...." and see what the next person comes up with.

It can be as creative, wild and imaginative as you like, and it always works well if you leave an exciting cliff hanger moment for the next person to continue.

Does the unicorn manage to escape from clutches of the evil princess? Is there a dramatic twist coming?

It's up to the next person to decide so see where the story leads!

You can go around the group as many times as you like, so let your imaginations run riot, and why not add a Christmassy theme to your tale?

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Beat boredom in the car

Five big questions

This "game" has no rules - it's just a way to get talking.

Here are a list of big questions that you could ask your fellow passengers - be it your Mum, Dad, siblings, Nan, whoever is in the car and able to talk safely.

The idea is to really think long and hard about the answers - you might learn something about someone that you didn't know!

1. Describe your dream weekend. Think about where you are in the world, who you are with, what food you will eat and any activities you would want to do.

2. Would you like to be famous, and if so, what for?

3. Try and name three things you and each of your fellow passengers have in common.

4. If you could wake up tomorrow and have gained a super power, what would you want it to be and what would you do with your new talent?

5. What is your happiest memory?

Now ask everyone in the car to answer these questions and discuss your answers. You'll arrive at your destination in no time!

Newsround Quizzes!