Meet Teddy, who's recycling thousands of sweet tubs

Look at all the tubs Teddy has collected - it's just a shame there's no sweets left!
- Published
Have you had lots of sweet tubs lying around your home after eating chocolates at Christmas?
Depending on where you live, these plastic tubs might not be able to be recycled in the normal way - which means they could end up in landfill.
When six-year-old Teddy found out that his local area wasn't able to recycle the tubs, he decided to start collecting them himself.
Teddy set himself the big target of taking 500 tubs to be recycled... but he's managed to collect over 2,500!
"I'm one little boy and it started with one tub and one dream to save the planet, and now look how many we've got," Teddy said.
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Teddy explained he was "angry" when he found out that sweet tubs couldn't be picked up by his local recycling dustbin lorry in the usual way.
The makers say lots of these boxes are recyclable but, because different local areas have different recycling facilities, only some are able to process the type of plastic that's used in the tub.
Teddy said: "I'd heard we can't recycle these tubs in our normal recycling bin but I wanted to change that so I can save the world."
Inspired by his hero - wildlife presenter and reporter David Attenborough - Teddy said: "We have one planet and we need to look after it."

Teddy's school got involved to help collect as many sweet tubs as possible
Teddy started his recycling journey last year, describing himself as an "eco warrior on a mission".
He started by writing a letter to his school, asking them to put a call out for the tubs to families of pupils.
Then, with his mum, he put up posters at shops around his town, and even sent his grandad out on a mission to rescue tubs from the local tip.
The thousands of plastic sweet tubs that he's collected - with help from his classmates, neighbours and friends - will be sent to a special plastic reprocessing centre as part of a charity recycling appeal.
A spokesperson from Hampshire County Council, who collect waste and recycling in the area that Teddy lives, said:
"Well done to Teddy who has done a really fantastic job of helping people to recycle more plastic. We are working closely with councils... to increase the recycling of different types of plastic waste. "