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Send in YOUR questions for new Gladiator, Hammer

Gladiator Hammer holding his prop hammer

The new Gladiator, Hammer, has made his first appearance on the show on Saturday night.

Described as an unstoppable force on a mission to crush anything and anyone in his path, contenders should be worried because the Gladiators website says Hammer will shake the arena to its foundations.

Well, YOU could have your questions for Hammer answered when he joins us on Newsround next week. Just let us know what you'd like to ask him in the comments below.

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Gladiators, READY!

Hammer, whose real name is Tom Wilson, has joined the team alongside another recent recruit for season two, Cyclone.

Hammer is a rowing champion who has won gold medal at the British Championships and silver in European and World Championships during his career before Gladiators.

He's a man-mountain standing at 6ft 6inches tall. That's even taller than fellow Glad, Giant!

He's heavy too. "When you've got 19 stone sprinting at you, you've got no chance. I'm getting you," he said.