LGBT+ History Month: The best of BBC Sport's coverage
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BBC Sport celebrates LGBT+ History Month
Long reads & more
Thomas Hitzlsperger says football has made progress since he came out in 2014
King & Navratilova had 'huge impact' - Greet Minnen & Alison van Uytvanck
Eudy Simelane - the footballer raped and murdered for being a lesbian
'I wouldn't come out if I was still playing' - former footballer Thomas Beattie
Mark Bingham - how a 9/11 hero inspired the world's largest amateur rugby tournament
'I want to be the first, but never the last' - NFL player Ryan Russell on coming out as bisexual
'He just disappeared, completely' - Mike Beuttler, Formula 1's only known gay male driver
GAA referee David Gough on self-acceptance 10 years after coming out
The drugs, damage and self-doubt behind Matthew Mitcham's historic Olympic gold
Former rugby league player Keegan Hirst sends a message to his teenage self
Super League referee James Child talks about being gay publicly for the first time
Renee Richards' journey from tennis outcast to trans pioneer
The LGBT Sport Podcast - The one on the history of the Gay Games
Euro Leagues: Thomas Hitzlsperger's 'fantastic journey' since coming out
The LGBT Sport Podcast - 150th episode - The one with Jack Murley
The LGBT Sport Podcast - The one on the Harlequins Pride Game
5 Live Sport Specials - The Inside Track: Celebrating LGBT+ History Month
The LGBT Sport Podcast - The one with Kings Cross Steelers founding chairman Robert Hayward
The LGBT Sport Podcast - The one with the best bits of LGBT+ History Month on BBC Sport
Why LGBT+ History Month matters to athletes
'We need to reclaim the word lesbian and see it as a positive'
'We didn't think about it at the time but representation matters'
LGBT+ History Month: Why is men's football less inclusive than the women's game
I hadn't been taught the reality of living with HIV - Thomas
Being bisexual 'didn't even cross my mind as an option'
'You're stronger than you know' - cricketer Winfield-Hill's letter to her younger self
Matthew Mitcham on being the first openly gay male to win individual Olympic gold
LGBT+ History Month: Nigel Owens
'It was a big deal' - Billie Jean King talks to Sue Barker about coming out
Becoming the first openly gay male Winter Olympics champion made me 'explode with pride' - Radford
LGBT+ History Month: How Stonewall FC are changing misconceptions of football
LGBT+ History Month: Football fans share their experiences
'No-one else is raising their hand, I’m going to raise mine'
Martina Navratilova talks to Sue Barker about coming out
'Who you choose to be with doesn't change you as a person' - Ireland prop Van Standen
Child wants to 'help educate' people and encourage respect
Thomas Hitzlsperger: The past seven years have been a fantastic journey
LGBT+ History Month: Goalscoring trailblazer Lily Parr played in front of thousands
You're stronger than you actually are - Hall
How coming out changed footballer Thomas Beattie's life