BBC Green Sport Awards: What do you need to know?

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BBC Green Sport Awards graphicImage source, bbc

One of the things we love most about sport is how it can use its power for positive effect.

As part of our commitment to a greener future, we have once again partnered with Sport Positive Summit for the BBC Green Sport Awards.

They celebrate individuals and organisations from across the globe who are actively contributing to a more sustainable future through their sporting profile and practises.

This year there are five categories and you can find out more about them below, and learn about the nominees here.

Athlete of the Year

This is for a professional sportsperson who has advocated for, raised awareness of, or instigated action on environmental and/or climate change issues in the past 12 months.

Young Athlete of the Year

This is for a sportsperson aged 21 or under who is either professional or on a pathway to elite sport and has proactively demonstrated support for environmental and/or climate change issues.

Evergreen Athlete 2023

This is for a professional sportsperson who has proactively demonstrated ongoing support for environmental and/or climate change issues for a number of years.

Elite Organisation of the Year

This is for any professional or high-performance sports organisation/sporting body that is involved in the organisation or planning of competitive sport (such as teams, clubs, associations, federations, competitions, championships and national governing bodies) and has proactively demonstrated support for environmental and climate change issues in the past 12 months.

Grassroots Organisation of the Year

This is for any amateur or non-professional sporting body that is involved in the organisation of sport at a community level (such as local clubs, teams, groups, associations, national or regional governing organisations and charities) and has proactively demonstrated support for environmental and climate change issues in the past 12 months.

Recommendations of sportspeople and sports organisations demonstrating significant environmental consciousness and/or actions in the past 12 months were provided by experts inside and outside the UK.

A list combining these names was provided to the BBC Green Sport Awards production team and was then discussed by a shortlisting panel. A panel of independent experts in climate and environment issues from inside and outside the BBC then judged the winner of each category.

Our judges this year were:

Athlete categories

Justin Rowlatt - BBC environment editor

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson - Member of the House of Lords and Paralympian

Leilani Munter - Evergreen award winner, BBC Green Sport Awards 2022

Matthew Campelli - Founder and editor of the Sustainability Report

Organisation categories

Claire Poole -Sport Positive Summit founder and CEO

Frances Deft - BBC sustainability programme manager

Madeleine Orr - Loughborough University sport ecologist

Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu - United Nations sectors engagement lead

Mie Kajikawa - Sport For Smile founder

The winners of the BBC Green Sport Awards 2023 will be featured in a programme on BBC iPlayer in the UK and on for the rest of the world from 2 October 2023.

For any enquiries about this year's awards, contact