Champions League final 'taking my mind off' Scotland game - Robertson

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Andy Robertson says Saturday's Champions League final for Liverpool against Real Madrid is "taking my mind off" Scotland's World Cup play-off.

Left-back Robertson and Liverpool lost the 2018 final to Real but won the trophy the following year in Madrid by beating Tottenham.

His country face Ukraine in Wednesday's semi-final, with Wales awaiting the winner in Cardiff on 5 June.

"Obviously a huge game Saturday where my full focus is," Robertson said.

"I have to look forward to that Champions League final, the biggest game you can possibly play, but in a way it's taking my mind off Wednesday.

"I know a lot of people involved with Scotland are just sitting about waiting for that game, at least I'm busy right up to it."

Robertson has won four major honours with Liverpool, having added this season's League Cup and FA Cup winners' medals to his Champions League and Premier League accolades.

He also led his country out at their first major tournament in 23 years at last year's delayed Euro 2020 finals.

The captain now has his sights set on a first World Cup for Scotland since 1998.

"It's going to be intense for me, it's going to be tough, but I'll be ready to play in all the games and hopefully it's the week I look back on with a huge smile on my face," he added.

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