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Live Reporting

Alan Jewell, Jack Skelton and Mike Minay

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  1. Who could that be?

    Wada independent report

    Matt Slater

    BBC Sport

    Dick Pound's phone rings - a non-embarrassing ring tone. "Ah, it must be Russia," the Wada chairman jokes.

  2. 'Rare good news for IAAF'

    Wada independent report

    Dan Roan

    BBC Sports editor

    A rare piece of good news for the IAAF. Wada chairman Dick Pound says the leaked database used by ARD/Sunday Times is incomplete and could not be used to prosecute athletes for doping.

  3. Spellcheck

    Wada independent report

    A trivial observation from this news conference, Dick Pound's name badge is missing the 'r' in chairman. 

    Or maybe he's just a big fan of tea...

    Dick Pound
  4. Links to host city selection

    Wada independent report

    Richard Conway

    BBC Radio 5 live sports news correspondent

    This is only scratching the surface when it comes to the extent of athletes being extorted to cover up doping tests. There is also an issue over selecting cities to hosts world championships.

    We knew about the blackmail and extortion, we knew about state-sponsored doping but also was there corruption involved in the selection of hosts cities?

    The IAAF has a huge task on their hands to show they are in control and moving in the right direction.

    The US city of Eugene was given the 2021 World Athletics Championships without a bidding process.

  5. 'You're always nice about your predecessor'

    Wada independent report

    Matt Slater

    BBC Sport

    Lord Coe

    On Lord Coe's notorious praise for Lamine Diack after his election, Wada chairman Dick Pound says you "always say something nice about your predecessor. I wouldn't build a gravestone on the basis of that alone. 

    "There's no way Coe could have known the extent of what Diack was up to."  

  6. 'There were cover-ups'

    Wada independent report

    BBC sports editor Dan Roan asks if the IAAF is in denial.

    Wada chairman Dick Pound responds: "Yes, of course there were cover-ups. If you can't acknowledge it, you are never going to get past that. This started with the president. This president was elected four times by the congress."

  7. The key question for Coe

    Wada independent report

    Richard Conway

    BBC Radio 5 live sports news correspondent

    There are going to be some really interesting quotes put to Lord Coe after this, especially that it is "not credible that elected officials were unaware" of corruption.

    That is going to come back to Coe time and time again, it's the essential issue for him to answer.

    Seb Coe
  8. 'Coe cannot be blamed for all faults'

    Wada independent report

    Matt Slater

    BBC Sport

    On his defence of Lord Coe, Wada chairman Dick Pound says it would be unfair to lay blame for faults of entire IAAF Council at one man's feet.

  9. Coe the right man to lead?

    Wada independent report

    Richard Conway

    BBC Radio 5 live sports news correspondent

    Seb Coe

    Lord Coe has said he wants to implement reform and that he knew nothing of the failing in the IAAF.

    Coe was a member of the ruling council and the report says that the council could not have been unaware of corruption.

    But then Wada chairman Dick Pound also says that this is a fabulous opportunity to move forward and really endorsed Coe to take things forward.

    That's a really interesting point of discussion.

  10. 'No one better than Lord Coe to lead IAAF'

    Wada independent report

    Seb Coe

    Wada chairman Dick Pound is asked if Lord Coe's leadership of IAAF is tenable:

    "We have not descended to any individual athletes or sports official. We have pointed out that the council could not have been unaware of the situation.

    "It's a fabulous opportunity for the IAAF to seize the opportunity and move forward. I can't think of anyone better than Lord Coe to lead that."

  11. 'It cannot be ignored'

    Wada independent report

    Dick Pound

    The report does not miss its targets...

    "The corruption that occurred within the IAAF was not at the level of some foreign currency trader in a bank carrying out unauthorised transactions, without the knowledge or permission of the responsible bank officers.

    "Here it started with the president of the organisation. It involved the treasurer of the organisation. It involved the personal counsel of the president, acting on instructions of the president. It involved two of the sons of the president, It involved the director of the medical and anti-doping department of the IAAF.

    "The corruption was embedded in the organisation. It cannot be ignored or dismissed as attributable to the odd renegade acting on his own.

    "The IAAF allowed the conduct to occur and must accept its responsibility. Continued denial will simply make it more difficult to make genuine progress."

  12. What about Russia and Rio?

    Wada independent report

    Dick Pound

    Wada chairman Dick Pound is asked what this means for Russia and this year's Rio Olympics:

    "We set out the path for Russia to get back onside. Right now it has no accredited laboratory, it's international athletics' body is suspended. This can be resolved if Russia tries to resolve the issue and get its act together."

  13. Wada 'troubled' by reaction

    Wada independent report

    Wada chairman Dick Pound: "Many of the representations the commission has received on behalf of the IAAF have attempted to distance the conduct investigated from the IAAF itself.

    “The commission has been troubled by the apparent unwillingness of the IAAF to acknowledge that the conduct does indeed reflect on the IAAF and that it must assume its responsibilities for what went wrong.”

  14. More trouble ahead?

    Wada independent report

    Dan Roan

    BBC Sports editor

    Crucially, Wada's criticism not restricted to the past. "Continued denial will simply make it more difficult to make genuine progress."  

  15. IAAF showed 'no appetite' to address problems

    Wada independent report

    Wada chairman Dick Pound: "The IAAF's awareness of problems involving Russia was far wider than was acknowledged and the IAAF showed no appetite to deal with the problems."

  16. 'Extortion may have been tip of iceberg'

    Wada independent report

    Professor Richard McLaren says: "The independent commission say they may have only examined the tip of the iceberg of athletes who may have been extorted."

  17. What did Coe know?

    Wada independent report

    Dan Roan

    BBC Sports editor

    Seb Coe

    New IAAF president Lord Coe is in the audience in Munich. He also sat on the IAAF Council that, according to WADA, must have known about "extent of doping and non-enforcement of rules".

  18. Russians 'mastered evasion & manipulation'

    Wada independent report

    Professor McLaren says Russian authorities "had mastered the evasion, manipulation and sometimes disruption of positive results for Russian athletes".

  19. Interested observer

    Wada independent report

    The Press Association's chief sports reporter tweets...

  20. Problems 'emanate from the very top'

    Wada independent report

    Lamine Diack

    Professor Richard McLaren adds: "Aside from outlining reforms required from IAAF, it demonstrates that need for sporting bodies worldwide. The information the very clearly indicates that the disruption of the organisation emanates from the very top - [President] Lamine Diack."