When I met Robin Williams
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Yvonne Johnson met Robin Williams in London more than 30 years ago. She is one of many readers who contacted us with their memories.

"I met Robin when I worked as a bunny in The London Playboy Club in 1980. He was surrounded by an entourage, but he was quiet and didn't like too much attention. He was filming Popeye which is why he had the blonde hair at the time," she said.

John Darcy met Williams on a beach in Hawaii: "Robin was very kind and happy to have his picture taken, despite being on holiday with his family. I always wished I could tell him how much this picture meant to me."

Bret Green works as an actor and appeared in Williams's television comedy The Crazy Ones in December 2013.
"I have worked with many famous stars, but none could match Robin when it came to being kind and treating colleagues with respect. He was an all around nice guy. Robin never treated anyone like inferiors; only equals," he said.
He added between filming he told Williams it was his wife's birthday. "This quick little video that Robin created, made my wife the happiest ever," he said.
BBC News website reader Bret Green sent us this video of Robin Williams wishing his wife happy birthday

"Robin was one of the main inspirations for my acting career", said Maya Post. She met the star when he was in the production of Bengal Tiger At The Baghdad Zoo on Broadway in 2011.
"He created room in the industry for limitless possibilities and brought joy to all who he encountered," she said.

Steve Payne worked as a camera operator with Williams in about 2002. "Shortly into a stand-up set in Santa Monica, he spotted a young girl in the audience and because she was there, he didn't swear once, or tell a single joke unsuitable for a child," he said.

For Justin Augustyn, Williams came across as "super friendly, very gracious, personable and hilarious". They met at a tattoo shop in New York City owned by Lars Frederiksen of the punk band Rancid and the three of them spent half an hour chatting.

Aliza Salviandra described herself as Williams's biggest fan in Indonesia. "Thank you for bringing so much joy and laughter to my childhood," she said.

Ewell Kameron Collins met the actor during the blackout that affected New York City in August 2003. He said he and a friend bumped into him at a record shop.

"Robin was a good friend of my brother and invited him over to meet us in 2007," said Elsie Mayers. "He was charming and warm and embraced me like I was an older sister. His jokes were funny but he also revealed a sad and shy side.
"I had baked a fruit cake and offered him a piece which he politely declined. He said if there was alcohol in it he would only have the marzipan, as he had just come out of rehab. I later made a special cake without alcohol and with his name on it."

Singer, musician and DJ from London DreZone said: "I was fortunate to have hung out and worked with this man a few years back.
"When we first shook hands he greeted me with: 'How you doing Mr President!' - a moniker I still get called today by a good friend who was also there.
"We had a lot of laughs backstage - a method actor who was also a genuinely nice and accessible guy. A true A-Lister."

An actor from New York City, Jason Leal, met Williams in the West Village area. "He was walking down the street. I told him how Good Will Hunting changed my life. He was very engaging. I told him I had started acting, and that I had done one of his monologues. He immediately launched into the scene for me."

William Drew met Williams at Redwood High School in 1967. "I remember Rob and I walking a cool down lap after track practice. As we passed the shot putters, Rob suddenly stopped, walked over to the pit, looked over the three massive guys that were tossing the shot, picked up one of the heavy steel balls, and, well, use your imagination on the comment that came forth from the mouth of Robin Williams.
"Same in Drama Club - no script was safe, no line sacred. Two words summarise Robin: passion and compassion. He was focused and passionate about everything he did, and, as he demonstrated in his later years, was compassionate about others."