Fatal stabbing was 'freak accident' jury told

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Mr Beach has denied murder and the trial is continuing later today (7 June)

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A 46-year-old man accused of murdering his friend told a jury the fatal stabbing was a "freak accident".

Michael Beach, from Cinderford, gave evidence at Gloucester Crown Court on Thursday, describing the final moments leading up to what he says was the unintentional stabbing of Scott Hopkins at a flat in Cinderford last December.

Mr Beach claims he intended to use the knife to "cut [his] cannabis", and was carrying it back from the kitchen when it went into Mr Hopkins chest.

Mr Beach said: “I was aware that Mr Hopkins had died when I was arrested. I told them that he had effectively walked into the knife."

Mr Beach told the jury his relationship with Scott Hopkins was very close, as it had been Phillip Parry - the friend whose flat they went to that night.

He said that at around 15:00 GMT on 8 December 2023, the group met at the Upper Bilson Inn, where he had "five or six cans of lager" and left at about 20:00.

"It would have only taken me a few minutes to walk to Mr Parry’s flat. I had a key to let myself in. Mr Parry and Mr Hopkins had gone to buy more alcohol," he added, saying it was "common" for the trio to socialise.

Mr Beach said Mr Hopkins' mood changed, believing he had "become emotional" in connection with an incident from a year before, and was crying.

'A loud gasp'

Mr Beach said he normally cut his cannabis with a knife in the bedroom, and went to the kitchen to pick one up.

“I picked it up from behind the kettle and as I did so, I swung round to the left and the knife ended up in Mr Hopkins’ chest. I pushed him away and told him I had a knife.

“I didn’t know Mr Hopkins was behind me. I think he was going to cuddle me, but we ended up face to face.

“I didn’t want a hug so I pushed him away, so I could pass."

Mr Beach then said he saw blood on the floor and the knife, and that Mr Hopkins let out a "loud gasp".

Mr Beach, who the prosecution says intended to use the knife as a weapon, denies murder.

The trial continues.

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