Ideas week to examine Lochaber's housing problem

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The annual Lochaber Ideas Week is to discuss ways of tackling the area's lack of affordable housing.

A housing needs survey published last year suggested the shortage was having an impact on the viability of some local businesses.

The results showed 80% of the 126 businesses that took part believed it was affecting their ability to recruit staff, while 65% said it was a factor in their struggles to retain workers.

The hospitality sector was the worst hit, according to the Lochaber Chamber of Commerce-commissioned survey.

A discussion session on housing will open the chamber's ideas week, which runs from 14 to 18 November.

The event's Charles Kennedy Lecture will be given by former BBC Scotland political editor Brian Taylor.

Mr Kennedy, who died in June 2015, was a former leader of the Lib Dems and was MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber before losing the seat in May's election.

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