In pictures: Skye shinty portraits project

Shinty playerImage source, Isabelle Law
  • Published

A photographer in Skye has been taking portraits of the island's shinty players of the past, present and future.

Isabelle Law, who plays the sport herself, started the project as part of a college course.

So far, she has taken more than 50 photographs and plans to have about 100 in total by early next year.

Ms Law hopes to exhibit the collection at the Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre in Portree.

Image source, Eamon McCabe
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Isabelle Law is headed for Argentina next month for a portraits project on football culture

She said: "The project's theme was culture.

"For me growing up, shinty was a huge part of my life, and is still a huge part of my life."

Her portraits are of players and other people associated with the island's club, Skye Camanachd.

Ms Law said: "The youngest I have photographed is two years old and the oldest is in their 80s."

Image source, Isabelle Law
Image source, Isabelle Law

About 11 years ago, Skye got its first female shinty team.

Ms Law said: "The pictures of the past players are all of men, but a lot of the photos of the present ones are female.

"It is lovely to see the change over the years."

The photographer will take a short break from shinty next month when she is taking a trip to Argentina.

She said: "It is a personal portraits project on football culture.

"Shinty means so much for us and I was thinking where in the world does that happen as well."

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Watch Alasdair MacLeod's video about Isabelle Law's photography on BBC Naidheachdan

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Image source, Isabelle Law
Image source, Isabelle Law
Image source, Isabelle Law
Image source, Isabelle Law