Tory chair 'was only man for the job' - local party

Richard Holden is pictured leaving Number 10 Downing Street
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Conservative Party chairman Richard Holden is the candidate for Basildon and Billericay

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Conservative Party officials say a candidate criticised by rivals for being "parachuted into a safe seat" will be a "fantastic MP".

Richard Holden has been chosen as the candidate for Basildon and Billericay having previously been the MP in North West Durham - some 300 miles away.

The announcement of his arrival had been described as a "slap in the face" by party officials in Essex, but a new statement has welcomed his candidacy.

The statement, attributed to Richard Moore, the chairman of the Basildon and Billericay Conservative Association, said: "It didn’t take long for Richard to convince us that he was the only man for the job."

'Morally wrong' to stand in Essex

Mr Holden's arrival in Essex comes after long-serving Conservative MP John Baron decided not to stand, having been the MP for the constituency since 2010.

But when it was first revealed he was set to be the candidate, Andrew Baggott, the Conservative opposition leader on Basildon Borough Council, said it was "morally wrong" for him to be selected.

And earlier this week, Mr Moore said local members were "extremely put out" that the party had waited until two days before close of nominations to put forward a candidate.

"My constituency people haven’t met Richard Holden. We don’t know him. We don’t know what he’s done," he said.

"Yes, he’s chairman of the party, but so what? What has he done for Basildon and Billericay? Nothing."

Mr Holden is leaving his previous north-eastern constituency after boundary changes saw it abolished.

He has since posted a photo on social media outside the Basildon Centre where he handed in his nomination papers before Friday evening's deadline.

In the new statement issued by the Conservative Party, he said: "It is an honour to be chosen to represent the people of Basildon and Billericay.

“Although I have been selected unanimously to be the Conservative candidate here, I don’t take any votes for granted. I will fight for each and every one of you."

Mr Moore added: "After we had met him and heard his plans for our area it was a no-brainer.

“We are all thrilled to have Richard as our parliamentary candidate."

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Basildon Market is part of the constituency Mr Holden hopes to serve if elected

Opposition parties have criticised the selection.

Labour candidate Alex Harrison said: "Richard Holden has only visited Basildon a handful of times in his life. He is not here to be a full-time MP for Basildon and Billericay but is here to further his career and take our votes for granted."

Reform UK candidate Stephen Conlay said: "The news that Richard Holden is possibly being parachuted in at the last minute is no surprise to me. We are strong within the constituency and our many followers demand change."

Edward Sainsbury, the Liberal Democrat candidate, said: "Parachuting an outsider in at the last minute just proves that the Conservative Party is taking the voters of Billericay and Basildon for granted yet again."

And Green Party candidate Stewart Goshawk added: "Our residents and our communities deserve better. It’s just not the way that politics should work."

A full list of candidates will be available on the BBC website after the legal deadline for nominations closes on Friday.

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