Terrier rehomed by firefighter who rescued her

man and dog
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Firefighter James Trounson adopted the terrier with permission from the police and following checks by the RSPCA

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A Cornish firefighter who adopted a dog he helped to rescue says she is "completely at home" with her new family.

The terrier was found locked in a house, together with the body of her dead owner.

James Trounson offered to look after the dog, who has been named Martha, and has formally adopted her.

Now the pair have become inseparable.

Image source, Helston Community Fire Station
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Martha and the team at Helston Community Fire Station

Police, ambulance and fire crews found the body of a woman and the little dog when they were called to a house in the Breage area last month.

Mr Trounson, who was one of the retained firefighters called out, said: "We don't know the circumstances and sadly how long the lady had been deceased but obviously she's a strong little dog and she's managed in some way to keep herself going.

"It took me a few attempts to get her to come to me, but after quite a bit of persuasion, she literally jumped into my arms and she hasn't left me since."

Image source, Helston Community Fire Station
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James Trounson and Martha on the day of her rescue

After Martha the terrier was given a clean bill of health by a local vet, Mr Trounson offered to take her in to be a companion for his other dog, Merlin the collie.

"She's completely at home with us and a happy little dog," he said.

"She's here on the farm, she rides round on the tractor like it's second nature to her, she's completely taken to our surroundings.

"She comes with me to work, spends all day with me on a building site, no problem at all."

Mr Trounson is a retained firefighter with Mullion Community Fire Station but helps to cover Helston during his working week.