Cyclist killed driver through car window - court

Ahmed Chakile Gonladieu is on trial at the Old Bailey where he stands accused of murdering Alexandros JosephsImage source, Getty
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Ahmed Chakile Gonladieu is on trial at the Old Bailey where he stands accused of murdering Alexandros Josephs

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A cyclist fatally stabbed a BMW driver after his mountain bike was dragged along the road by the victim's car, a court has heard.

Ahmed Chakile Gonladieu, 25, is accused of murdering Alexandros Josephs, 29, through his car window in Ladywell, south-east London, last May 10.

The defendant denies murder and having a bladed article in a public place.

After he was attacked, the mortally wounded Mr Josephs drove a short way down the road and crashed into a line of parked cars, the Old Bailey was told.

Jurors heard his assailant ran off and Mr Josephs was pronounced dead at the scene.

Jacob Hallam KC, prosecuting, said: "At 1.48pm, a grey BMW driven by a man called Alexandros Josephs was caught on CCTV travelling south down a dead-end road in Ladywell, south-east London.

'Stabbed deeply'

"About seven minutes later, at 1.55pm, the vehicle was captured driving north at speed before crashing into a line of parked cars.

"Inside it, Mr Josephs was dying. He had been stabbed deeply into his body, the wound cutting into his liver and his aorta - one of our body's most important blood vessels."

A witness had allegedly seen Mr Josephs talking to a man on a mountain bike through the open window of the grey BMW on Malyons Road.

After a minute, the witness heard metal scraping the ground and saw the car had moved, dragging the bike along the road, Mr Hallam said.

The cyclist, wearing dark clothes, was then said to have taken a large knife from a sheath and made a stabbing motion through the car window.

The car drove from view before the witness heard a bang. The court heard he then saw the alleged attacker running away.

The court heard Mr Josephs' passenger got out of the car and shouted for help.

A post-mortem examination found Mr Josephs died from a stab wound to the front right side, which had been nearest to the car door.

Mr Hallam told jurors it was not in dispute that Gonladieu had stabbed Mr Josephs but an issue in the case may be why.

The trial continues.

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