Pupils creating woodland garden inspired by book

Group of seven children with two adults stood in rainy field smilingImage source, Kathryn Kittley
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The pupils have been creating poetry and art based on Robert MacFarlane's Lost Words book

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Primary school students are helping to create a woodland garden.

Work has started on the Spell Garden, which will be located at YMCA Lakeside, Windermere.

It will include artwork from pupils at South Walney Junior School, inspired by a book by Robert MacFarlane.

Designer Nicola Hills said: "I want it to be for everyone. And I want children from Walney to feel it is as much theirs as anybody else's".

The pupils have been studying MacFarlane's book The Lost Words: A Spell Book, which highlights nature words that have been forgotten over time.

"During the pandemic we wanted something that would help writing for pleasure at school," said teacher Michelle Banks.

Students wrote poems inspired by the book, and now the school has a Lost Words club, with 40 children.

Image source, Kathryn Kittley
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Pupils have been using artwork and poetry to learn more about nature

Ms Banks added that children had "gained confidence" through the project, and a better understanding of native species on Walney.

The Spell Garden will include a giant kingfisher-themed swing and a canopy of metal mushrooms.

Ms Hills said she wanted to "create a spell hub where all the children could come together and collect all their ideas".

Image source, Nicola Hills
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Work is currently under way to create the garden

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