Union in dispute over traffic warden pay cut

Wiltshire Council sign in front of the Trowbridge HQ
Image caption,

GMB Trade Union is opposing Wiltshire Council's decision to remove 10% of the unsocial hours allowance of traffic wardens

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A trade union has accused a council of using "bullyboy" tactics in a dispute which has been ongoing since February 2022.

GMB Trade Union is opposing Wiltshire Council's decision to remove 10% of the unsocial hours allowance of traffic wardens.

Andy Newman, GMB Branch Secretary said that Wiltshire Council is "determined to cut pay" even though it "boasts" of its good financial position compared with other councils.

However, Terence Herbert, Wiltshire Council's Chief Executive said: "“We have been seeking to reach collective agreement, but to date the unions have not provided any alternative feasible proposals."

'Fire and rehire'

According to the Local Democracy Reporting Service, GMB reports state the pay cut would see wardens' pay reduced by £180 a month.

Mr Newman added: "Any reasonable employer would have compromised by now, Wiltshire Council is threatening to ram the pay cuts through, using the unethical practice of ‘fire and rehire’.

"The council have offered to ‘protect’ the pay until December 2027 for existing staff, which delays the pain, but doesn’t stop it."

On the other hand Mr Herbert responded: "Throughout this process we have strictly adhered to employment law and always will.

"It is incorrect for GMB to state that the council has not compromised as following a working group which included all three unions, we made changes to our original proposal and included an offer of a four-year pay protection which the unions balloted their members on in September 2022."