Water firm's response to outbreak contemptible - MP

South West Water engineers
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South West Water technicians have been working on the water tank at Hillhead reservoir

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A water firm's response to a parasite outbreak in Devon has been "contemptible and just generally incompetent", an MP has said.

Conservative Anthony Mangnall, whose Totnes constituency covers Brixham, said anger over South West Water's (SWW) response following an outbreak of cryptosporidium had been "palpable".

The water company on Tuesday said tap water in the town was safe to drink, but U-turned less than 24 hours later.

About 16,000 homes and business remain under a boil water notice.

SWW has apologised for the disruption, but Mr Mangnall said the company had failed its customers.

Health officials have said there are 46 confirmed cases of cryptosporidium linked to the outbreak, with more than 100 other people reporting symptoms.

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Totnes MP Anthony Mangnall said Brixham had been failed by South West Water

Many residents have told the BBC they are angry with SWW's communication since the start of the outbreak.

Mr Mangnall said: "The predominant failure is the fact that earlier in the week, South West Water was asked whether or not this was to do with their network and they categorically ruled it out, only for them to change their position 24 hours later.

"I think this is contemptible and just generally incompetent – it’s put a lot of people’s health at risk.

"That, to me, is one of the most serious indictments because they were made aware of this by a large number of people, including myself who raised this with them, and so to not actually respond in a manner that would safeguard public health, I think is deeply problematic."

'More or less dealt with'

Dr Lincoln Sergeant, Torbay's public health director, said SWW was now ensuring further contamination did not happen, but people might continue to develop symptoms for the next 10 days to a fortnight because of the nature of the illness.

SWW said it had identified a damaged valve on private land as the possible cause of the contamination. It said the faulty valve had since been isolated from the network and repaired, and the company was continuing to investigate.

It said people were advised to continue boiling their water and added bottled water collection points had been set up in three car parks at Fresh Water Quarry and Broadsands, as well as in the Churston car boot sale field.

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Dr Lincoln Sergeant warned people might still become unwell for another two weeks

Speaking to BBC R4's Today programme, Dr Sergeant said the parasite was "unpleasant but self-limiting" for anyone infected.

He said: "It's important for the listeners to recognise that in terms of the initial contamination, that is more or less dealt with by the boil water notice and the bottled water.

"We know that South West Water is now actively doing work to flush through the system to make sure that ongoing contamination does not occur."

Dr Sergeant added: "It's important to recognise that people may continue to develop symptoms from that initial contamination up to 10 days - some people even up to two weeks.

"So the numbers may increase, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the situation is getting worse."

People were no longer being asked to come forward for testing, Dr Sergeant added.

'Worst ailment of my life'

Some residents in Brixham said the parasite had led to them being taken to hospital.

Kayley Lewis said her 13-year-old son was taken to A&E after blood was found in his vomit, meanwhile she said she had lost 8lbs in weight (3.6kg) in six days after becoming unwell.

Another resident, Bryon Freer, said developing symptoms from the parasite was the "worst ailment" he has had in his adult life.

Mr Freer said: "It put me in bed for five days and I'm someone who very rarely gets colds."

Ian Lomas, a resident rom Higher Brixham said the outbreak and the way SWW had managed it had had a "terrible" impact on his family.

He said most of his relatives had been severely ill following the outbreak, including his three-year-old granddaughter.

Mr Lomas, 65, said: "South West Water were far too slow in admitting responsibility and the communication has been poor."

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Cecilia Forde said she has been feeling "worried" about the outbreak

Cecilia Forde, who has a compromised immune system because of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), said she had to call SWW to get someone to deliver bottled water to her.

She said the whole situation had left her feeling "worried".

"I was unable to make a cup of tea and to be honest, I got a bit worried because my immune system's a bit impaired with the ME and CFS."

Image source, PA
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Bottled water is being handed out to residents in Brixham

A SWW spokesperson said the company was sorry for the impact the outbreak was having and the firm was working with UKHSA and other public health officials to investigate the source of the contamination.

On Saturday, David Harris, drought and resilience director at South West Water, said the water tank at Hillhead reservoir, where tests confirmed the presence of cryptosporidium earlier this week, had been drained.

He added it would be thoroughly cleaned on Saturday.

Mr Harris said: "Once complete, we will start refilling the water tank later today.

"Officials from the Drinking Water Inspectorate are also on site to monitor progress, and daily testing continues to take place at points throughout our network."